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    London, Aug. 2.—The special correspondent of the "Daily Mail" on the Franco-Spanish frontier states that demobilised French ...

    Article : 99 words

    London, Aug. 2.—It is authoritatively stated that during the continual raids on Germany the R.A.F. has dropped hundreds of thousands of tons of bombs on more than 100 well-known German cities and towns containing military objectives. Squadrons have ...

    Article : 155 words

    London, Aug. 1.—Still another contingent of Australian soldiers reached Britain safely a few days ago after a long uneventful voyage. ...

    Article : 779 words

    London, Aug. 2.—"An examination of Germany's prospects of victory in an offensive action shows that only a fraction of the German ...

    Article : 194 words

    Moscow, Aug. 1.—The Soviet Prime Minister, M. Molotov, speaking at a meeting of the Supreme Soviet Council, reviewed German ...

    Article : 1,294 words

    Cairo, Aug. 2.—A Royal Air Force communique states: "A small formation of our bombers attacked an oil refinery near Massawa and ...

    Article : 232 words
  8. France's War Damage

    London, Aug. 2.—The French radio states that M. Boutillier, Minister of Finance, estimates the war damage suffered by France ...

    Article : 28 words
  9. Raids on Germany

    London, Aug. 1.—An Air Ministry communique states: "Yesterday R.A.F. aircraft of the bomber command carried out daylight attacks ...

    Article : 647 words
  10. Ambassadors Dismissed

    Vichy, Aug. 2.—The Government has dismissed M. Massigli, Ambassador to Turkey, M. Thierry, Ambassador to Rumania, and M. Brugere ...

    Article : 53 words

    London, Aug. 2.—It is authoritatively stated that there is no occasion for serious alarm over the German threat to lay down an ...

    Article : 35 words
  12. The Libyan Frontier

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 106 words
  13. Catholics and the War

    London, Aug. 1.—Cardinal Hinsley, launching the Catholic movement named "The Sword of the Spirit," which is designed to ...

    Article : 213 words
  14. Starving the French

    London, Aug. 2.—The Moscow radio states that the Germans have taken Northern France's entire wheat and sugar beet crops. ...

    Article : 27 words
  15. Germans in Holland

    London, Aug. 1.—The Nazi Commissioner in Holland, Dr. Seyss-In-quart, bas issued a proclamation, declaring that all expressions of ...

    Article : 93 words
  16. Italian Steamer Seized

    Port Said, Aug. 2.—British naval authorities revealed to-day that a false declaration by the captain of the Italian steamer Verbania was ...

    Article : 127 words

    London, Aug. 1.—A German 'plane raided a south-eastern town this afternoon. Bullets shattered, shop and house windows and bombs ...

    Article : 192 words
  18. Emergency Courts

    London, Aug. 1.—Answering questions in the Bouse of Commons during consideration of the House of Lords amendment to the bill setting ...

    Article : 114 words
  19. German Sea Raider

    Berlin, Aug. 2.—The High Command states that an engagement occurred in the South Atlantic between a German auxiliary cruiser ...

    Article : 81 words
  20. Air Raid Casualties

    London, Aug. 1.—Sir John Anderson revealed in the House of Commons to-day that 42 persons had been killed in air raids during the ...

    Article : 59 words
  21. Spain and Gibraltar

    Madrid, Aug. 1.—The Foreign Minister broke his silence on foreign affairs with the following statement to the press to-day:—"If Britain ...

    Article : 73 words
  22. Sales Tax on Newspapers

    London, Aug. 1.—Sir Kingsley Wood, in the House of Commons to-day, said that the purchase tax on newspaper. including Sunday ...

    Article : 78 words
  23. Canadians in Action

    London, Aug. 2.—The Air Ministry reports that three pilots of the original Canadian fighter squadron engaged two German dive-bombers ...

    Article : 51 words
  24. Evacuation Areas

    London, Aug. 1.—Certain areas in East Anglia and on the south-east coast of England have been declared evacuation areas by the Ministry of ...

    Article : 29 words
  25. Cherbourg Aerodrome

    London, Aug. 2.—The Air Ministry reports that a strong force of coastal command aircraft made a successful daylight attack on a ...

    Article : 177 words
  26. The Bomber Fund

    London, Aug. 1.—Included in the £52,000 which has been contributed in Fiji to the bomber fund are contributons from employees of the ...

    Article : 123 words
  27. Evacuation of Children

    London, Aug. 1.—It is reported that the Government of Argentina has published a decree authorising the immigration into Argentina of ...

    Article : 49 words
  28. Russia and Finland

    Moscow, Aug. 2.—The newspapers give prominence to reported clashes between Finnish workers and the police at Helsinki, Tampere and ...

    Article : 45 words

    London, Aug. 1.—An Air Ministry and Ministry for Home Security communique issued to-night says: "A single enemy aircraft flew at a ...

    Article : 258 words
  30. Leopold's Children Return

    Basle, Aug. 1.—Despatches from Berlin state that the three children of King Leopold of Belgium have returned to Belgium from Portugal. ...

    Article : 89 words
  31. Britons in Korea

    London, Aug. 2.—It is authoritatively stated that two more British subjects have been arrested in Korea by the Japanese. Those ...

    Article : 52 words
  32. Alarm in Berlin

    London, Aug. 2.—The American United Press correspondent in Berlin states that the daily Foreign Office Dress conference was ...

    Article : 44 words



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