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  2. Advertising

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    Advertising : 45 words
  3. Advertising

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    Advertising : 65 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 263 words
  5. War Savings Certificates

    Sydney, July 25.—The Federal Treasurer, Mr. Spender, described as "contemptible propaganda," the rumour current in Melbourne that ...

    Article : 260 words
  6. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 207 words
  7. Leonora-Gwalia News

    Leonora, July 22.—The annual meeting in connection with the Gwalia A.L.P. was held to-night at the A.W.U. Hall, the election of ...

    Article : 342 words

    Preparations are well advanced for the grand rally in the Perth Town Hall on the evening of Friday, August 2. During the evening ...

    Article : 248 words
  9. The Polish Army

    London, July 24.—Statements have been published in the press concerning the military convention between the British and Polish ...

    Article : 211 words
  10. Canned Fruit

    Canberra, July 24.—Australia's canned fruit industry will benefit to the extent of about £700,000 from arrangements made by the ...

    Article : 188 words
  11. Salmon Gums Notes

    Salmon Gums July 24.—At the monthly dance of the Parents and Citizens' Association, held on July 20, in the Salmon Gums Hall ...

    Article : 207 words
  12. Pan-American Conference

    New York, July 23.—After the opening scenes, the Pan-American Conference has developed into a contest of strength between the ...

    Article : 392 words
  13. Thrill of the Big Top

    When Wirths' circus arrives in Kalgoorlie afc an early hour on Friday next in their two special trains, they will bring with them the thrill ...

    Article : 284 words
  14. Detention of Legislator

    London, July 23.—In the House of Commons to-day the Home Secretary, Sir John Anderson, said that the advisory committee which dealt ...

    Article : 105 words
  15. Physical Training Association

    The route march will start to-morrow (Sunday) as usual at 9.30 a.m. from Manner's Buildings, Maritana street. These marches are ...

    Article : 163 words
  16. U.S. Defence Programme

    Washington, July 24.—It is understood that army officers told the Senate Military Committee that the army's total defence programme ...

    Article : 59 words
  17. The Belgian Government

    London, July 24.—Asked in the House of Commons whether he was able to state the composition, status and present situation of the ...

    Article : 102 words
  18. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 54 words
  19. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 16 words
  20. Famous Humorist's Fate

    When the German advance swept up to France's Channel ports at the end of May a brief cable message informed Australians that ...

    Article : 147 words
  21. Marketing of Fiji Copra

    London, July 24.—In the House of Commons Mr. G. N. Hall, Undersecretary for the Colonies, referring to the marketing of Fiji copra, said ...

    Article : 83 words

    A card evening will be given by Mrs. B. H. Moore at the School of Mines at 8 o'clock this evening. Contract and auction bridge and rummy ...

    Article : 55 words
  23. Left France Without Permit

    London, July 24.—The Berlin wireless said that the French Government deprived four French Ministers, 14 Deputies and one ...

    Article : 63 words

    Members and friends of the C.W.A. are invited to a social afternoon, to be held in the Druids' Hall, Piessc street, Boulder, on Tuesday ...

    Article : 52 words

    The stream of money which has been passing through the Lotteries Commission to the kindergartens, infant health clinics, orphanages ...

    Article : 46 words
  26. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 74 words
  27. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 13 words
  28. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 14 words
  29. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 12 words



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