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  2. Advertising

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  3. Advertising

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  4. Advertising

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    Advertising : 129 words
  5. Advertising

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    Advertising : 384 words

    London, June 18.—A special correspondent of the British. United Press said: "The British had ample warning of the imminence of the ...

    Article : 262 words

    London, June 18.—An R.A.F. officer, trapped behind the German lines, spent five days wandering in disguise among the enemy, spying ...

    Article : 221 words
  8. Hopes of Final Victory

    London, June 18.—The Prime Minister, in a broadcast speech this evening, discussed, in much the same terms as he had done earlier ...

    Article : 292 words
  9. Retaining Manpower

    Auckland, June 17.—Restrictions governing travel abroad have been, imposed by the Government in the case of single men up to 45 years of ...

    Article : 186 words
  10. Disintegration of French Army

    Berlin, June 19.—The High Command communique states: "The French army continues to disintegrate. Our motorised troops have ...

    Article : 148 words
  11. Advertising

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    Advertising : 45 words
  12. Universal Service in U.S.A.

    Washington, June 18.—President Roosevelt said to-day that he would probably propose to Congress in the form of letter or a message within ...

    Article : 279 words
  13. The American Navy

    Washington, June 18.—The chief of naval operations, Admiral Stark, giving evidence before the Naval Affairs Committee of the House of ...

    Article : 219 words

    London, June 18.—A correspondent with the R.A.F. says that the advanced air striking force was successfully evacuated and arrived ...

    Article : 374 words
  15. War News in Brief

    London, June 18.—Gifts to the British Red Cross include £1100 from the Falkland Island branch for two ambulances, and £2000 from the ...

    Article : 317 words
  16. Advertising

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    Advertising : 206 words
  17. Egypt's Policy

    Cairo, June 18.—After many rumours, a member of the British Embassy declared that Britain had not asked. Egypt to declare war on ...

    Article : 169 words

    New York, June 18.—While the press gives heavy headlines to Mr Winston Churchill's fateful sentence: "If we fail the whole world, ...

    Article : 81 words
  19. Frenchmen in England

    London, June 18.—General de Gaulle, Under-Secretary for Defence in the Reynaud Cabinet, broadcasting from London, appealed to all ...

    Article : 62 words
  20. Advertising

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    Advertising : 67 words
  21. R.A.F. Over Germany

    London, June 18.—The Air Ministry reports that the R.A.F. heavily bombed military obectives over a wide area in the Rhineland, ...

    Article : 55 words
  22. R.A.F. Activity

    London, June 17.—An Air Ministry communique to-night states:—"Owing to adverse weather conditions during the last 24 hours, air ...

    Article : 70 words
  23. Advertising

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    Advertising : 13 words
  24. Advertising

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    Advertising : 14 words



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