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  2. Richmond.

    Mr F. Laby, reporter and general representative for the Gazette, will in future visit Richmond every Tuesday, on all Court days, and when There is any public function to report. Business of all ...

    Article : 804 words

    A surprise party was tendered Mr T McMahon, senior, of " Dural View," on Saturday night (being his 69th birthday) by a number of his friends and relations. There were about 30 ...

    Article : 221 words
  4. Church Services.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 378 words
  5. Religious Intolerance.

    Sin,-It looks as if the plea for religious tolerance, which was the main object of my writing from the beginning, is not to bear much fruit atter all -at least with a certain section of our community ...

    Article : 491 words

    The Rev. R. H. Pitt-Owen was given a presentation and send-off in the Church by the teachers-and children of the Sunday School on Tuesday of last week. ...

    Article : 340 words
  7. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 86 words

    Mr. F. Laby, reporter and general representative for the Gazette, will visit Riverstone every Wednesday in future. Orders for printing, advertisements, subscriptions ...

    Article : 321 words
  9. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 138 words
  10. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 703 words
  11. Windsor School of Arts.

    At a committee meeting on Tuesday evening there were present:-Messrs F. Campbell (in the chair), Bowley, Walker-Smith, McCauley, Downes, Huntley, Jacobs and Johnsen. ...

    Article : 262 words
  12. The Hassall Family.

    There died at Condobolin, on 22ult., George Thomas Hassall, second son of the late Rev. Thomas Hassall, of Cobbitty and Narellan in his 82nd year. With the ...

    Article : 131 words



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