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  2. Parramatta Court. Sir.—

    Charles Hales, a young man, for behaving in a riotous manner in Church-street, Parramatta, on November 17, was fined 20s, or 14 days; and, for using Indecent ...

    Article : 1,330 words
  3. Tragedy and Comedy.

    A railway porter at Hornsby station, who rejoices in, or perhaps only patiently bears, the cognomen of "Bluey" McCabe, had, an extremely narrow escape of ...

    Article : 313 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 28 words
  5. Mormons Canvassing.

    An agent of the Latter Day Saints has been canvassing around Hornsby this week, and distributing Mormon literature. One of the pamphlets issued, entitled "The ...

    Article : 488 words
  6. A Show for Cumberland.

    G. R. Hazlitt and E. L. Waddy have been included in the fifteen from whom the N.S.W. eleven to meet the English team will be selected. Trumper has a high ...

    Article : 92 words
  7. Dead Man in Epping Orchard.

    On Monday, the body of an elderly man was found in Mr. Spendley's orchard, Epping. The police were communicated with,: and Constable Walsh, of Eastwood, had the ...

    Article : 172 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 155 words
  9. Educating the Blacks.

    About three years ago, Miss Hughes who was then matron of the Y.W.C.A. Parramatta, received an appointment under the Aborigines Protection Board to ...

    Article : 319 words
  10. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 106 words
  11. Imperial Delhi.

    Homer was a Bible to the Greeks. But far more so have the two great epics of India, the Mahabharata and Ramayana, been a Bible to its people. In each epic ...

    Article : 911 words
  12. The Cumberland Argus AND Fruitgrowers' Advocate, WITH WHICH ARE INCORPORATED The Cumberland Mercury, River Times, Weekly Advance, Cumberland Free Press and Ryde Electorate Press. PARRAMATTA, NOVEMBER 22, 1911.

    THERE is, strange to say, some doubt in the minds of some business men as to whether they should keep their shops open for the convenience of the ...

    Article : 398 words
  13. The Parramatta Cot.

    A charming bazaar effort was that at St. John's Parish Hall on Friday afternoon, in aid of the Parramatta cot at the Children's Hospital. There was not as large an ...

    Article : 969 words
  14. Public Meeting at Merrylands.

    On Saturday evening, at a largely attended public meeting at Merrylands, the present municipal situation was discussed. Among those present were Aldermen ...

    Article : 762 words
  15. Municipal Employees' Wages Board.

    The Municipal Employees' (County of Cumberland) Wages Board sat on Saturday in the Prospect and Sherwood Town Hall, to take evidence, on the council's ...

    Article : 524 words
  16. A Jubilee Gathering.

    The anniversary proceedings in connection with the Parramatta Baptist Church included special services on Sunday, and a week-night demonstration on Monday. ...

    Article : 733 words
  17. Junior School Wanted.

    The following petition to the Minister at Education, asking for a junior school at Westmead and signed by the parents of about 43 children, has been handed to ...

    Article : 274 words

    We are asked to remind Intending members of the Clyde Works ambulance class that a meeting will be held in the mess-room at the works this (Wednesday) ...

    Article : 52 words
  19. A Ladies' Page.

    We have been requested to open our columns to the ladies for the ventilation of their views on subjects which particularly concern them. We will be pleaded ...

    Article : 80 words
  20. A Jubilee Suggestion.

    Sir,—Might I, at this juncture, the formation of an Old Parramatta Asso-ciation, consisting of persons of good re-pute, who have been associated with the ...

    Article : 119 words
  21. Baulkham Hills Shire Council.

    A special meeting of the Baulkham Hills Shire Council was held on November 16, to deal with the position of the engineer. Present were: Councillors ...

    Article : 136 words
  22. Wood-Chopping Contest.

    The first heat of the Goulburn log-chop-plug contest, standing chop, was won by J. W. Heckenburg (9sec.), time 1min. 5sec. Other competitors were: Huon Pritchard ...

    Article : 112 words
  23. A Novel "Card."

    One of the most original and appropriate "cards," for greetings of any sort, birthday or otherwise, can now be had at "The Argus" office. It is simply a big gum leaf ...

    Article : 97 words
  24. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 28 words
  25. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 13 words



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