At the Blacktown Shire Council on Wednesday, a letter was read from the Parramatta Council, stating that it had been decided to allow Blacktown to lead, ...
Article : 77 wordsMr. D. M. Anderson will conduct an important auction sale at Wicks-road, North Ryde, on Wednesday next, at noon, having been instructed by the ...
Article : 51 wordsIt is notified in the Gazette, that the, following have been appointed to act temporarily as inspectors, wider the provisions of the "Vine and Vegetation ...
Article : 77 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 248 wordsThe oldest watchmakers' and opticians' shop in Parramatta is Burgin's Church-street North. They have been established in Parramatta since 1853. They do all ...
Article : 41 wordsDural fruitgrowers, and those about Galston, Glenorie, Kenthurst, Areadia, and the districts thereabouts, look forward with pleasurable anticipations to ...
Article : 158 wordsUp to Wednesday evening, Councillor Cranston, of the Baulkham Hills Shire Council, enjoyed the reputation of being the only one of that body who had ...
Article : 67 wordsThe Merrylands Bicycle Club will run off a nine miles road race to-day over the Smithfield course. Following are the handicaps:—J. H. Hagney, W. Kirk, scr.; ...
Article : 113 wordsMessrs. Mobbs and Co. have a big sale next Wednesday, under the instructions of the Curator of interstate Estates, when the whole of the furniture, plant and ...
Article : 65 wordsThe list of the Parramatta Starr-Bowkett Society is at last full, and overflowing. The limits of membership for No. 1 Society was reached this week, and ...
Article : 73 wordsThe Parramatta Good Templars have decided to make a strenuous effort to keep their flag flying. District officers, who attended the lodge meeting when ...
Article : 76 wordsBest results so for in the Mrs. M. A. R. Johnston trophy stand to the names of Messrs. Peek, King and Baker. This trophy has to be won twice in succession, ...
Article : 72 wordsFruitgrowers who have certificates which entitle them to ship fruit to Melbourne and New Zealand should understand that, on the issue of the certificate, ...
Article : 125 wordsThe accounts of this concert have not yet been finally settled, but up to date the sum in hand, after payment of expenses, is £47 19s 8d. There are, ...
Article : 109 wordsThe attention of subscribers to the fund-raised by "The Argus" for the purpose of putting a clock in the tower of the Fountain (with the kind permission ...
Article : 138 wordsThis annual conference will meet in Melbourne on 26th. October next, and this State will be represented by Messrs. Bruce Purser and F. A. Nicolson ...
Article : 81 wordsEntries close, to-day for the Parramatta musical and elocutionary competitions, which take place early next month. There are pianoforte solos open, to all comers, ...
Article : 87 wordsSome time ago Mr. Edward Pearce, of Seven Hills, who owns a good deal of land betweon Baulkham Hills and Castle Hill, offered to the Baulkham Hills Shire ...
Article : 154 wordsQuite a painful sensation was caused in Parramatta on Thursday morning, when the news came through by 'phone, to the police office, that the dead body of ...
Article : 741 wordsIt is notified in the Gazette that, under 18th section of "Public Roads Act, 1902," it is intended to obtain the Governor's authority to declare the road as ...
Article : 152 wordsUnder the auspices of Lodge Resurgo, No. 223, U.G.L. of N.S.W., a Masonic dance was held at the Parramatta Town Hall on Wednesday, September 23, the ...
Article : 107 wordsThe new bridge on tho railway, between Parramatta and Harris Park stations, is rapidly approaching completion. During a dull in the traffic on Sunday ...
Article : 99 wordsMr. John Simpson, of Guildford, died on Wednesday, at the age of 77 years. Mr. Simpson was well known in thus district as the Harris Park station master ...
Article : 126 wordsAlderman E. J. Drown, to whom most people refer as Alderman "Ted" Brown, was put in the chair at the fag-end of the long mooting of Parramatta Council on ...
Article : 197 wordsSince the holding of the public meeting at Castle Hill a fortnight ago, to consider the subject of an extension of the tramway to that centre, the ...
Article : 128 wordsSt. John's Grammar School site has been under discussion for a long time in business circles in Parramatta, especially since it was leased to Mr. W. R. Murray, ...
Article : 169 wordsComplaints are made of the wanton and cruel destruction of a member of valuable dogs in that part of Harris' Park near Hassall-street. We have heard of a ...
Article : 127 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 42 wordsALMOST everywhere in this large district of ours, the progress association seems just now to be very much in evidence. This looks as if the people are ...
Article : 414 wordsThe Parramatta Railway Improvement: League, which has only had a comparatively brief existence, held a meeting on Wednesday evening, and decided that, as ...
Article : 170 wordsThe death occurred on Friday morning, at his residence, Hereford House, Glebe-road, of Mr. William Hattam Wilkinson, who was for many years a Judge of the ...
Article : 182 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 276 wordsColonel Bartlett, A.A.G. and C.S.O., visited Parramatta last Saturday and inspected H Coy. 1st Bn. 3rd A.I.R., and the Regimental Band, at the conclusion of ...
Article : 107 wordsTwo of Mr. Peters' gangs are working on a line extending from the river across Phillip and George streets, Barracks lane, Smith and Macquarie streets, ...
Article : 230 wordsOne or two frosts have been experienced in low-lying places during the present week, and it is reported that the pea crops and other delicate vegetables have ...
Article : 218 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 382 wordsFor quite a lone while the Baulkham Hills Shire councillors have not only recognised the necessity of becoming better acquainted with the topography of ...
Article : 137 wordsOn Monday night next, the above [?] picture will be shown at the Parramatta Town Hall. The staff of operators (says the Sydney Press) employed by ...
Article : 150 wordsAt a meeting of the trustees of The Cedars, it was decided to on call for tenders for the removal and purchase of the material in the old buildings. This news ...
Article : 199 wordsThe Minister for Agriculture has received a communication from the Minister for Agriculture for Tasmania, in which reference is made to a published account ...
Article : 298 wordsA GREAT deal of speculation is being indulged in respecting the political future of Sir Joseph[?] There has always been an air of mystery ...
Article : 859 wordsMr. Richard George Underwood, retired civil servant, died at his residence, [?] on the 20th inst., at the age of 68 years. The funeral moved to the ...
Article : 78 wordsOn Tuesday, Mr. Richard Byrne, late of Parramatta, died suddenly at Daniel's Hotel, Grafton, where be had been lodging for some time past. An inquest was ...
Article : 191 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 26 wordsWonderful results are announced by those whoa re using Dr. Mackenzie's celebrated Malted Food for Infants. This food is specially prepared by Baiss Bros. ...
Article : 124 wordsOn account of sickness among members of the Baulkham Hills Shire Council and their families, and other [?] circumstances, it was decided at the ...
Article : 119 wordsIt is most annoying to have a cold or conch, csppcially nn irritating cough that keeps you awake at night, and the other members of the household as well. One ...
Article : 90 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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