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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 413 words
  3. Port Fairy Borough Council.

    The usual fortnightly meeting of the borough council was held on Wednesday night last. Present—The Mayor and Crs Gray, McBeth, Maloney, ...

    Article : 1,827 words
  4. Cultivation of Flax.

    At the meeting of the Borough Council on Wednesday night a communication was received from the Department of Agriculture in regard to the recent ...

    Article : 328 words
  5. Sporting.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 788 words
  6. Melbourne Notes.

    When the matter of the totalisator was brought before the hospital committee at the last meeting, one of the members moved rather an emphatic protest against ...

    Article : 799 words
  7. Personal.

    Mrs T. E. Orr yesterday under-went an operation at the hospital for appendicitis, and although her condition was serious at the time, ...

    Article : 76 words
  8. Water Supply for Port Fairy

    A meeting of the committee appointed to devise a water supply scheme for Port Fairy was held at the borough chambers on ...

    Article : 239 words
  9. The War in Europe.

    On Tuesday afternoon 40 British aeroplanes bombarded the heavy batteries around Ostend, and also the gun positions at Middelkerke, ...

    Article : 363 words

    The death occurred yesterday evening, at his farm, Orford, of a very old and greatly respected resident of the district in the person of Mr John Howell, who ...

    Article : 237 words
  11. Local & General News.

    HOTEL CLOSING.—The Licenses Reduction board has issued its 8th general report and statement of accounts for the year ending December 31, 1914. Up to ...

    Article : 2,235 words

    Sir,—I have enclosed a copy of letter received from the Railway department in connection with the train arrangements from Port Fairy to Koroit on the ...

    Article : 298 words
  13. Commercial.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 513 words
  14. ST HELENS.

    On Monday next, 22nd inst., the local tennis club will hold its annual meeting. An encouraging balance-sheet will be presented, as ...

    Article : 394 words
  15. Port Fairy Court of Petty Sessions.

    Charlotte Pevitt was summoned to explain why she was in arrears for the maintenance of her 3 children, an order having been made at Hamilton that she ...

    Article : 397 words
  16. BOWLING.

    Should Port Fairy, as expected, beat Koroit on Saturday, the question of the date for playing Camperdown the final game is likely to cause some trouble. ...

    Article : 170 words
  17. Portland Pars.

    The public men of Portland evidently regard the position of a borough councillor as of no importance and as of Brummagem honor. No one has nominated ...

    Article : 299 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 38 words



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