The Royal Agricultural Society has accepted en offer of Mr. Peter Wood, chairman of the Jersey Herd Society, of a special prize of £5 5/ for the best ...
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Advertising : 539 wordsAll the preliminary work in connection with the appraisements and handling of the 1918-19 wool clip is complete. It is satisfactory that the appraisements are ...
Article : 374 wordsOnder the Metropolitan Abattoirs Acts no auction sales of stock can be held within the Abattion area other than at the abattoirs Board markets, except where the stockowner sells his ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 2,230 wordsA correspondent gives an interesting account of a visit recently paid to Mr. E. Mundy's serub block at Meribah. After leaving Meribah station, which was originally head of the Brown's ...
Article : 480 wordsYUNTA, August 6.—Shearing has started in the district. The first two loads at wool were brought in by Mr. John Penna's team. There were 89 points of rain on Monday, but more is badly ...
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Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Sat 17 Aug 1918, Page 14
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