PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE HARBOR AND ENTRANCE TO THE BRUGES CANAL. Last week's successful naval raid on the Flemish coast by the British will rank as one of the most daring in the long list of enterprises which stand to the credit of our man of the [?] Zeebrugge Canal. The Vindictive landed her sailors on the mole to destroy the guns and buildings as a diversion, while the main object, the sinking of ships filled with [?] man submarines. The picture shows how hazardous the undertaking was the attackers not only having to pass such enemy warships as might lie in the harbor, but to [?] ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 270 wordsTHE PRUSSIAN CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES. The picture is historic, because it shows the Imperial Chancellor (von Hertling), who is also Prime Minister of Prussia, reading out the Constitutional reforms which were designed to "democratise" Germany. Knowing the reputation of the Prussian Chamber, and its ideas on democracy, one feels reasonably safe in ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 102 wordsLieutenant J. WHITTLE. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Sat 4 May 1918, Page 25
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