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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 2,919 words

    Two rinks up and two rinks down was the result of the game last Saturday, when the local club played Ascot Vale on our own green. Fine ...

    Article : 443 words

    Last Saturday Ports had a bye, and to-day all matches are supended, and the Association's annual tournament takes place this year at South Yarra, ...

    Article : 341 words

    The secretary and committeemen report that tickets for the benefit to R. Merrick are going "like hot cakes." Tickets may be obtained from the ...

    Article : 139 words
  6. Inglis-street Fire.

    Splendid work was done by Port, and South Melbourne, and other brigades in keeping the fire that broke out in Mr. C. Regan's box works, ...

    Article : 135 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 64 words
  8. Driver W. Adams.

    Dear Sir,—Would you be so kind as to publish in "The Standard" that my husband, Driver W. Adams of the R.A.N.B.T. is on active service and is ...

    Article : 105 words
  9. Graham Station Changes.

    Mr. O. R. Graham has been promoted from the post of assistant station-master at Graham to the position of station-master at Meeniyan, ...

    Article : 111 words
  10. The Three-Rinkers.

    The "Threes" played their last pennant match on the programme last Saturday, when they journeyed to Elsternwick to play the locals. ...

    Article : 222 words

    "The Crucible," to be screened to-night at the Port Picture Theatre, is the story of a true soul's passing through the furnace of suffering, ...

    Article : 205 words
  12. Recruiting in Port.

    Mr Donald Mackinnon, chairman of the State Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, speaking at the public meeting in the Excelsior Hall on ...

    Article : 263 words
  13. Port Football Club.

    A special meeting of the committee of the Port Melbourne Football Club will be held on Tuesday evening, February 1st, at Uniacke's Rose and ...

    Article : 45 words
  14. The A.N.A.

    There was a good attendance at the last meeting of the Port branch of the A.N.A. on Tuesday evening last. The president, Mr H. Brereton, was in ...

    Article : 234 words
  15. PORT A.W.A.

    Next lodge night falls on February 2. The item for the evening will be a nail driving competition, also n gift evening for Australian soldiers. The ...

    Article : 35 words



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