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    The Warrego, which arrived here on the evening of the 14th iust., reports having put in for wood a little below Von Reiben's, NorthWest Bend, where was discovered on the banks ...

    Article : 606 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 4,139 words
  4. KANMANTOO, FEB. 18.

    After a great deal of very hot weather We have this day had some nice showers, so as to make the water in the little creeks and gutters run about Kanmantoo. and the temperature ...

    Article : 338 words
  5. KINGSTON, FEB 13.

    An adjourned meeting was held at the Kingston Arms Hotel, on Monday evening last, to show the necessity of a Local Court being held in the township. Mr. W. D. Sanderson was ...

    Article : 170 words

    On Sunday morning the mill belonging to Mr. Samuel Randell, of Blumberg, was totally destroyed by fire, together with a great quantity of wheat, flour, &c. Various rumors are afloat ...

    Article : 68 words
  7. CLARENDON, Feb. 15.

    Yesterday Henry Langford, of Wickham's Hill, was out gathering gum. He came home and ate a hearty dinner and returned to his employment. Not coming home all night search ...

    Article : 139 words
  8. RHYNIE, FEB. 21.

    For some days our main road has been lined with drays and waggons, wheat-laden for the different railway stations or Adelaide. Whilst speaking upon wheat, I may just state that ...

    Article : 307 words
  9. MOONTA, FEB. 18.

    This morning, about 4 o'clock, it commenced raining steadily, ami has continued incessantly tip to this time, 8 p.m., with no sign of its decreasing. The whole town is completely ...

    Article : 460 words
  10. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 250 words
  11. FINNISS VALE, FEB. 20.

    The usual weekly meeting of the Finniss Vale Institute was held in the schoolroom on Monday evening, 18th. The attendance was very small, owing doubtless to the busy season of the year ...

    Article : 246 words
  12. SMITHFIELD, FEB. 18.

    A special meeting of the congregation shiping in the Presbyterian Church, Smithfield, was held on Monday February 18, presided over by the Rev. Mr. Gordon. The ...

    Article : 498 words
  13. GAWLER, FEB. 21.

    A special meeting of the Oddfellows of this town and neighborhood was held in the Oddfollows' Hall, Gawler, on Tuesday evening last. There was a very large attendance, and ...

    Article : 199 words

    BUSHMAN writes in reply to J. B. Jones (Illinawortina) on the subject of giving food to travellers in the bush. Our correspondent says, " it is very easy for any gentleman of ...

    Article : 147 words

    The Hon the Commissioner of Public Works, together with Messrs. Everard, M.P., Bright, M.P., and Hodgkiss, M.P., visited the neighborhood this morning, and inspected the new jetty ...

    Article : 213 words
  16. THE Chronicle and Mail. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1867.

    WE HAVE just received from the Government Printer copy of the minutes of evidence taken before the Select Committee appointed last session to enquire ...

    Article : 2,896 words
  17. GUICHEN BAY, FEB. 18.

    The talk for the last ten days has been on no other subject but horses and the races. It was at first thought that a good many horses would have been down from Mosquito Plains way, but ...

    Article : 304 words
  18. PENOLA.

    The correspondent of the Border Watch writing on the 14th February has the following:—On Sunday at last Father Woods preached his farewell sermon at St. Joseph's. The church ...

    Article : 1,165 words

    We have had a delightful change in the weather since last week, About midnight on Sunday, it commenced raining and continued steadily without intermission till about 6 p.m. ...

    Article : 221 words
  20. KANGARILLA, FEB. 18.

    On Friday, at the Kangarilla Inn, an inquest was held before E. J. Peake, Esq., Coroner and a Jury of 12, of whom Mr. C. Thorpe was chosen foreman, to enquire into the cause of the death ...

    Article : 146 words
  21. WILLUNGA, FEB. 15.

    In reference to recent reports of cases of sunstroke, and the repeated recurrences of so dangerous an accident, I am sorry to say several instances have happened in this township. Last ...

    Article : 227 words
  22. KAPUNDA, FEB. 21.

    The rain on Monday was of great benefit to the farmer. It was a continual down-pouring the whole of the day, and waterholes which had been previously dry are now filled.—I find that ...

    Article : 318 words



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