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  2. The Telegraph Syndicate[?]

    We wish to point out that in view of the small reduction in rates for Press messages, we have instructed our Adelaide correspondent to forward a ...

    Article : 145 words
  3. Palmerston Brass Band.

    A meeting of the above was called for Friday night last, in the Town Hall, and a large majority of the members put in an appearance. ...

    Article : 186 words

    Porttons of the Continental Press, in friendly criticisms of England's proposal to increase her standing army strength, describe them as insufficient ...

    Article : 1,216 words
  5. Country Items.

    Under date Feb. 20 our Pine Creek correspondent writes: Heavy rain fall here on Saturday last and the heat this last day or two is ...

    Article : 620 words
  6. Display Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,728 words
  7. War Shots.

    A correspondent describes a pathetic scene[?] after the fighting at Elands Laagte: We were out looking for the wounded at night, when I come across ...

    Article : 175 words
  8. Tax Gathering.

    The schooner Essington returned to port on Saturday afternoon, after an absence of some weeks on her annual cruise in search of Customs dues from ...

    Article : 410 words
  9. Current Topics.

    The electric light will shortly be installed throughout the whole of the city of Melbourne. Some terrific rain and wind storms ...

    Article : 1,261 words
  10. Mining M[?]ms.

    Petroleum springs have been discovered near Greymouth, N.Z., containing an apparen[?]y unlimited supply. Herr von der Brueggen, a ...

    Article : 465 words
  11. Departure of an Old Resident.

    Among the passengers by the China Navigation S.S. Co's Tsinan, expected to arrive about Sunday, will be Mr.G. W. Mayhew, who for now nigh upon ...

    Article : 386 words
  12. North Australian Cycling Club.

    The annual general meeting of the above club was held in the No. 1 dining room of the Hotel Victoria on Wednesday evening, February 14, Mr. ...

    Article : 317 words



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