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  2. Men Deny Hotel Cash Bag Ribbery

    Horace Clive Robinson (31), of Mt. Hawthorn, arid salesman Herbert Charles McColl, who gave his address as the Bedford Hotel, Perth, were charged in Perth Police Court today with having stolen money from the Railway Hotel, ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 590 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 80 words
  4. Locks Up Gaoler While He Escapes

    ADELAIDE, Mon—By locking J:x a gaoler in the kitchen of the Mt Gambier gaol yesterday, Allan Reginald Robinson (46) ...

    Article : 194 words
  5. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 750 words
  6. Killed Flier Was Noted For Daring

    Young airman who, after a distinguished record of gallantry, was killed in Mount Magnet on Saturday night, was noted for his daring and ...

    Article : 218 words
  7. Swimmers Need £230 More

    Tattersall's Club today added £107/10/ to the appeal for funds to send a swimming team to the Eastern States to compete in the ...

    Article : 155 words
  8. £80,000 PLANE DESTROYED

    A Catalina flying boat, produced at a cost of approximately £80,000, was destroyed by R.A.A.F. men off Rottnest last ...

    Article : 94 words
  9. Rain In Drought Areas

    BRISBANE, Mon — End of a three-year drought in the vast grazing lands of Queensland's far south-west is in sight. Station owners say that in some parts the worst dry spell in the district's history has ...

    Article : 200 words
  10. Red Cross Helps Food Appeal

    Lord Mayor's Food for Britain Appeal was further swelled today by a donation from the Red Cross Society of £800, which ...

    Article : 117 words
  11. Petrol Ration End Not In Sight

    CANBERRA, Mon.—Although the 50 per cent increase in the petrol ration will operate from February 1 for private motorists ...

    Article : 170 words
  12. US Wives To Meet

    Meeting of wives and fiancees of U.S. servicemen who expect to live in Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Oklohama or Arkansas, will be ...

    Article : 57 words



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