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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 407 words
  3. Editorial

    THERE is obvious uneasiness in Labour's ranks about the party's policy on defence. It is reported that the traditional ...

    Article : 540 words
  4. Opinion On Christmas festivity

    A FEW of your correspondents who wrote on this topic (Opinion, December 20) and suggested not only that Christmas was a time of deplorable gluttony but that Santa Claus himself was a bestial-looking fake should be boiled with their own plum pudding and ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 429 words
  5. Opinion on many things

    MUCH has been written about price increases by responsible and irresponsible people and in every instance there's been an obvious reluctance to place the blame where it truly lies. Except for the abnormal price increases of primary products—attributable almost entirely to shortages caused by ...

    Article : 171 words
  6. Rich and poor in retired ranks ?

    YOUR correspondent "Old Hand" (Opinion, Dec. 15) complained that civil servants were retired on £360 a year (about £7 a week) and that they didn't get an increase when the salaries of Members of Parliament were raised. He's very fortunate to get £360 when other returned civil servants ...

    Article : 80 words
  7. Have controls, with war on the "black"

    AMERICA again proposes price control. It will work there if heavy gaol sentences and cancellation of trading rights are imposed on blackmarketers. Let's reimpose Federal price control here, with similar safeguards. The people deserve protection.—Ex-WX, West Perth. ...

    Article : 48 words
  8. Eye for an eye: The case of Jean Lee

    WHY all this fuss over the intended hanging of murderess Jean Lee? A person who breaks the law must be prepared to take the consequences. The fact that no woman has been hanged in Victoria for 50 years or that a political party doesn't approve should be no deterrent to the course of ...

    Article : 77 words
  9. Let's all start bashing ourselves about

    SYDNEY seamen vote to act against shipowners. Splendid, and why not? The action will crystallise as strikes and "go-slows." All will add to the cost of freights and goods, which the workers, including the seamen will have to pay.—M. T. Heads, Subiaco. ...

    Article : 51 words
  10. Pangs of a modern pioneer

    MY sympathy goes out to all new migrants. The change of scene from one country to another is a thing really felt. The lack of amenities to anyone coming here from the average middle-class home in England is appalling. Those strange wood stoves and even more mysterious chip ...

    Article : 115 words
  11. Service stations barred from service

    THE first prosecution for the sale of petrol "after hours" should be the last of its kind, and in my opinion is just another illustration of how the long-suffering public is being inconvenienced by continuance of wartime measures. Very little consideration is now given to either the desire or ...

    Article : 140 words

    {No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 99 words
  13. Israel not a country of confusion

    Having read the report in the Daily News (Dec. 13) headed Israel Seen As Country Of Regimentation And Confusion, and having just returned from a six months' trip to Israel, I say the statements quoted to you were untruthful and ...

    Article : 234 words



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