I perceive that the editor of The Mercury has soon fit to take as a text for a powerful leading article, my account of the manner in which South Sea slavers are accustomed to entrap their victims, ...
Article : 2,841 wordsTrade generally continues unanimated, but in breadstuffs the tendency of the market is somewhat firmer. We hear of a sale of 1,500 bushels of wheat at 5s. 11d. per bushel, but the general market quotations range ...
Article : 866 wordsSeymour, barge, 55 tons, Peterson, from Port Seymour and Picannini Point. Passenger, Miss Miener. Shannon, barge, 50 tons, Nicholas, from Prot ...
Article : 1,546 wordsThe production of Naaman, Michael Costa's last, and one of his grandest works, by the members of the Philharmonic Society last night, was a complete success. The Town Hall was tilled, and after ...
Article : 795 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 53 words"RETROSPECT " and MR. RICHARDS to-morrow. ...
Article : 11 wordsTASMANIA would be a prosperous Country, with a happy and contented people, were its inhabitants as ready to help to remove the stagnation that pervades every industry, as they are busy in ...
Article : 6,080 wordsThe tender of James Pearce at £119 10s., for clearing and grubbing, &c., section I from the main road leading to Circular Head to the bridge over the Flowerdale River, has been accepted; also that ...
Article : 228 wordsBEFORE the Police Magistrate. DRUNKENNESS.—Three drunkards were brought up and fined 5s. each, as it was their first offence. DISTURBER.—June Surrey, who had made a ...
Article : 230 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Tue 20 Aug 1872, Page 2
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