At the commencement of the University Session His Excellency the Governor took the ad eundem degree of B.A. Oxford. SYDNEY, SATURDAY. ...
Article : 126 wordsTasman, s.s., 491 tons, J. Clinch, from Sydney, 8th inst. Passengers—Cabin: Miss Keen, Mr. Albert, Mr. Hanks, the Very Reverend Dean Connell, of Sydney, Mr., Mrs., and Master Stone. ...
Article : 1,418 wordsWe feel assured that the readers of The Mercury will learn, with much gratification, the success of two of our fellow-colonists, who were competitors at the annual exhibition of "the New South Wales ...
Article : 1,035 wordsMR. T. WESTBROOK, at mart, at 11 o'clock, cows; at stores of Messrs. Webster, Corrie, and Co., at quarter to 12 o'clock, hay. MESSRS. ROBERTS & CO., at Slaughter Yards, at ...
Article : 64 wordsSISTERS DUVALLI. Commence at 8 o'clock. ...
Article : 11 wordsTHE Income Tax which Mr. GLADSTONE announced his intention of abolishing, and the abolition of which he struggled so hard, but in vain, to magnify into an election cry, does not ...
Article : 6,079 wordsAnother largely attended meeting of the members of the above association was hold on Saturday evening last, at Mr. Cook's, Ocean Child Hotel, Argyle-street. ...
Article : 1,291 wordsA very pleasing, although somewhat affecting, ceremony took place it the private residence of Mr. P. Levy, Bathurst-street, during the forenoon of yesterday. An influential deputation from the ...
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The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Mon 13 Apr 1874, Page 2
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