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  2. Melvillian Impudence.

    THE Evening News of Friday last makes the following comments on Mr Melville's recent visit to Singleton:- The reception Mr Ninian Melville got ...

    Article : 377 words
  3. Marriage of Sir Henry Parkes.

    A MOST interesting event took place in an exceedingly quiet manner in Sydney on Friday afternoon. The principal paries were the ex -Premier, 74 years ...

    Article : 762 words
  4. Lover and Lord.

    Lady Olivia Blake sat in the tiny luxuriously-furnished nest she called her own snuggery, awaiting with some impatience the arrival of an expected ...

    Article : 2,403 words
  5. European Cablegrams.

    The trial of the Bishop of Lincoln for ritualistic practices, which has been initiated by the Church Defence Association, will be commenced on Tuesday next ...

    Article : 463 words
  6. Extraordinary Firing.

    A PUBLIC trial of the maximum gun which has been in the armament court at the Melbourne Exhibition was made at the Williamstowm rifle range on Friday. ...

    Article : 156 words
  7. Startling Election Occurrence.

    DURING the tremendous crush that occurre at the Murrumbidgen nomination at the close of the Premier's address a striking incident occurred. Amidst the tremendous cheering ...

    Article : 171 words
  8. England Warned by Russia.

    LONDON, Sunday.—The Russian journal Viedomosti asserts that the Ameer of Afghanistan has massed 20,000 troops on the Russian frontier of Afghanistan, ...

    Article : 66 words
  9. Commercial.

    Messrs Brunker and wolfereport:-Homebush Fat Stock Sales.-Cattle : About 600s head yarded ; best pens of buile ke made to 11 per head equal to 22s per 100lbs. ...

    Article : 397 words
  10. charge of Vitriol Throwing.

    AT the Adelaide Police Court the other day, a young, woman named Selina Cooking answered a charge of inflicting bodily harm upon Frederick Weakley ...

    Article : 129 words
  11. Germany and France.

    PARIS, Friday.-In consequence of a colonel of a French regiment having issued an order of the day condemning the action of Count Munster, the ...

    Article : 130 words
  12. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 2,162 words



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