Sir Henry Holland and Dr. Watson arrived at Osborne on the 30th of December by command of her Majesty, to receive her Majesty's acknowledgments for their care and attention during their ...
Article : 557 wordsWE subjoin full extracts from our January files to hand by the Northam. EUROPEAN SUMMARY. The hopes which we continued to entertain, ...
Article : 5,469 wordsThe Pope has been suffering from fever during the last two days. To-day, however, his Holiness was able to leave his bed, and resumed his ordinary avocations. ...
Article : 74 wordsThe Gazette of the Senate publishes an Imperial decree, according to which all Jews having obtained a medical or other diploma from one of the Universities of the empire will ...
Article : 92 wordsWhile all cheerful English households have been adding to their cheerfulness by heaping up the fires that make a pleasant contrast to the cold outside, a terrible tragedy has occurred in one of the ...
Article : 1,570 wordsThe insurgents have categorically rejected the amuesty offered to them by Omar Pasha, in consequence of which Dervisch Pasha, with 11 battslions and all the irregular [?]roops, has left ...
Article : 124 wordsThe Minister of State declared to-day in the Congress that Spain would demand reparation from Mexico on account of the War of Independence. ...
Article : 66 wordsThe journals of the past month have recorded an almost countless number of meetings held in all parts of the country for the purpose of voting addresses of condolence to the Queen on her recent ...
Article : 364 wordsAt the date of our last publication the absorbing question in England was—with what temper would the demauds of the British Government in reference to the Trent case be received in America? ...
Article : 4,492 wordsAdvices have been received here from Havannah to the 7th inst. General Prim sailed for Vera Cruz on the 28th of December, accompanied by a portion ...
Article : 220 wordsNearly everything pertaining to finance and financial operations, present and prospective, remains in an unsettled and unsatisfactory state, and there appears to be little on which to base a hope of any ...
Article : 977 wordsPARIS. JAN. 25.—Consols after official hours 92? 3. Market weaker. Paris Bourse: Rentes opened 17.05.—3 15, p.m. The Bourse continues very firm. Rentes closed at 17.00, or ¼ ...
Article : 93 wordsWe have received the following telegram from our Vienna correspondent;— "VIENNA, JAN. 26. "The current report that Austria intends to ...
Article : 36 wordsThe Rigsraad was opened to-day by the President of the Council, who road the King's Speech. In this the King says:— "When in 1853 the common Constitution ...
Article : 332 wordsThe Royal Mail steamship Asia, from New York on the 15th inst., arrived here at 12 20 p.m. to-day, with 46 passengers and 203,903 in specie. She landed two passengers and 65 sacks ...
Article : 1,060 wordsThe band of brigands which infested the environs of Gargano has been dispersed; 24 of the brigands were killed. The Municipality and National Guard of ...
Article : 72 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Mon 17 Mar 1862, Page 3
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