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  2. Shocking Accident.

    ON Saturday evoning a girl named Kate Layland, nearly 16 years of age, met with a frightful death at the Williamstown Junction Railway Station. She was on the south ...

    Article : 419 words
  3. Council Amenities at Charters Towers.

    We trust that our Municipal Council will continue their sollo [?] style of conversation rather than speak out in the manner reported to have taken place at the last meeting of the ...

    Article : 1,068 words
  4. Warwick Police Court.

    DRUNKENNESS.—Wm. O'Keefe, charged with this offence, pleaded guilty and was ordered to pay a fine of us. ASSA[?]LTING THE POLICE.—The same ...

    Article : 1,210 words
  5. Cricket.—2nd Elevens Alberts and Zingaris.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,010 words

    INTELLIGENCE received from the front is to the effect that a large convoy of provisions and war material forwarded from Newcastle has safely reached Sir George Colley at ...

    Article : 169 words
  7. Produce Market Reports.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 200 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,423 words
  9. Evacuation of Candahar.

    It is now believed that the Government are about evacuate Candabar in accordance with the intention expressed in the Queen's Speech, there being numerous indications that such is ...

    Article : 38 words
  10. Further Outrages in Ireland.

    The reign of terror established by the Land League and its emissaries (still continues, and numerous reports of agraian crimes against landlords and agents are ...

    Article : 40 words
  11. Australian Mails

    The Orient Company's R.M.S., Garonne, which left Melbourne on January 16, arrived to-day. ...

    Article : 18 words
  12. Mr. Gladstone's Health.

    The Premier in recovering from the effects of his recent fall, and Mr. Gladstone was enabled to attend the Queen's reception to-day. ...

    Article : 29 words
  13. Peace Between Chili and Peru.

    It is reported that the long and sanguinary struggle between Chili and Peru has at length terminated, and that peace has been declared. ...

    Article : 31 words
  14. The Basuto Difficulty.

    The British Government have caused a telegram to be seat to Sir Hercules Robinson, Governor of Cape Colony, expressing regret at the severe demands made by the Colonial ...

    Article : 52 words
  15. The Coercion Bill.

    The Irish Coercion Bill has passted the House of Commons, and will immediately be forwarded to the House of Lords. ...

    Article : 26 words
  16. Parnell in Paris.

    Parnell, who is at present visiting Paris, has held an interview with the Archbishop of that city. ...

    Article : 23 words
  17. Another Fenian Threat.

    It is stated that Sir William Harcourt, Secretary of State for the House Department, bag received from the Fenian agent Devey, who is in the United States, a cable message ...

    Article : 42 words
  18. The Warwick Argus.

    THE latest news with regard to the aspect of affairs in those most troublesome of British possesions, the South African colonics, is anything but ...

    Article : 1,419 words
  19. Retention of Candahar.

    The controversy as to the advisability of the British Government retaining Canadalar still continues. ...

    Article : 21 words
  20. Marriage of Prince Wilhelm.

    The Marriage of Prince Friedrich Wilhelm, eldest son of the Crown Prince of Prussia, took place to-day, and was the oocasion of great festivity. The weather was fine, and ...

    Article : 53 words

    The local branch of the Land League hold an excursion on St. Patrick's Day in aid of the funds of the society. The stained glass window for the new ...

    Article : 86 words
  22. Sydney.

    A monster meeting was held at Temora on Saturday last to urge the Government to take steps to provide the field with water. In the libel action brought by Mr. Robertson, ...

    Article : 180 words



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