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    THE match between Edward Hanlan of Canada and Elias Laycock of New South Wales, for £500 a side and the Championship of the Thames, was rowed over the usual ...

    Article : 448 words
  3. English Mail Arrangements.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 52 words
  4. Swan and Freestone Creek's Agricultural and Horticultural Association.

    THE first exhibition of the above Society was held on Thursday last, in the State School grounds, Lower Swan Creek, and may, all things considered, be said to have passed ...

    Article : 5,230 words
  5. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 35 words
  6. The Warwick Argus.

    THE session of Parliament which closed a few months back was generally admitted to have been the most remarkable in many respects the colony has ...

    Article : 894 words

    SIR,—"Ignoramus" in your last issue, and "Truth" in the Examiner of Wednesday, appear to be sorely exercised at some remarks which Alderman Grayson made at the last ...

    Article : 1,094 words
  8. Outbreak Anticipated in Ireland.

    It is expected that the malcontents in Ireland are about to unite in a general rising, and extensive precautions are being adopted to prevent such an outbreak. ...

    Article : 35 words
  9. France on the Land League.

    In response to the representations of the British Ambassador, the French Government have agreed to discountenancc the operations of the emissaries of the Irish Land League in ...

    Article : 38 words

    The Daily News states that the Boers have made overtures for peace to Sir George Colley[?] Their proposals were referred to the Home Government, and were discussed at a Cabinet council, ...

    Article : 50 words
  11. The Irish Difficulty.

    Mr. Parnell has addressed a manifesto to the head of the Land League in Dublin, in which he urges a firm but passive resistance to the Coercion Bill. He recommends that the agrarian agitation ...

    Article : 138 words
  12. Opening of the German Parliament.

    In opening the German Parliament, the Emperor stated that the Greco-Turkish difficulty necessitated a perfect union between the Great powers to maintain peace. The speech created a ...

    Article : 44 words
  13. Anti-Christian Outbreak in Syria.

    News has been received of a fanatical outbreak in Syria, the Mahommedans of Beyrout having risen and attacked the Christian population, many of whom were slain. The survivors are in ...

    Article : 42 words
  14. The Boer Rebellion.

    Latest Advices completely confirm the news of Sir George Colley's isolation. The Boers have recently made their appearance betweeu Newcastle and Durban, and telegraph ...

    Article : 67 words
  15. Brisbane.

    A London telegram has been received, stating that there was a large attendance of Home and Foreign buyers at the wool sales on the 16th. Cross-breds were a shade lower, and merinos had ...

    Article : 129 words
  16. Sydney.

    The Carriers' Union shortly intend to strike for eight hours. William Langford, the well-known yacht builder, fell across a circular saw in motion ...

    Article : 61 words
  17. Adelaide.

    The Premier has published a lengthy manifesto, in which he notifies his intention of assimilating the South Australian with the New South Wales tariff; and also of connecting the railway schemes ...

    Article : 73 words



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