BY the Ocean, s., Messrs. Ernest Favenc and Spicer Briggs, gentlemen whose names are now well known throughout the colonies as intrepid explorers, arrived in Cooktown. We need ...
Article : 1,613 wordsTHE following sensational and very imaginative advertisement is being published in the Dublin Freeman's Journal, Irish Times, and other leading Irish papers. Further reference thereto ...
Article : 1,025 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 161 wordsBEFORE the police-magistrate and T. Illidge, J.P. DRUNKENNESS.—Two drunkards were discharged; two others were fined 5s. each, with ...
Article : 453 wordsThe Hatfield bushrangers, tried at Deniliquin, have been sentenced to death. The Judge said that he would forward to the Executive Council the recommendation to mercy made by the jury, ...
Article : 157 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 249 wordsAPPOINTMENTS.—John O'Neil Breuan to be clerk to the Curator of Intestate Estates, in the room of Henry John Whitley, deceased; Mary Catherine Carew, to be first assistant teacher in ...
Article : 350 wordsSIR,—In your issue of the 15th instant appears a report of the regatta at Southport, held last Saturday, in which your reporter has very unnecessarily introduced my name as having used ...
Article : 368 wordsA SPECIAL meeting of the delegates of the Queensland Cricket Association was held at the Café Royal on Friday evening last—Mr. N. Bartley in the chair—to take into consideration ...
Article : 952 wordsA banquet was given yesterday evening in honor of the Minister for Works, Mr. Woods. In returning his acknowledgments for the toast of his health, the hon. gentleman said he took ...
Article : 740 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 193 wordsSIR,—We, the undersigned, members of the Baker and Farron's combination, beg to express to you our sincere thanks for your great kindness to us during the passage of the Keilawarra, s., ...
Article : 721 wordsSIR,—In resuming my subject I may say, as far as I know, there is only one point at issue between the Government and the Corporation, and although it has helped to stop the work from being ...
Article : 1,141 words{No abstract available}
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The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Mon 21 Apr 1879, Page 3
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