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  2. Minister at Frankston

    The shire council was sitting in special meeting at Frankston yesterday afternoon, when the secretary read a message he had just received ...

    Article : 787 words
  3. The Council

    Acting on the resolution of Crs Alder and Murray carried at last ordinary meeting, the shire council held a special meeting yesterday to ...

    Article : 138 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 2,404 words
  5. Cr Alden Reviewes Position

    Cr Alden said that time was rolling on, and his riding had still a lot of work unfinished. They had been banging back for the financial ...

    Article : 312 words
  6. Mr Wheeler Criticised

    Sir,—Mr Wheeler, as chief spokesman for the tennis court bowling green site deputation, waxed warm with virtuous indignation over, to ...

    Article : 517 words
  7. Cr Longmuir Dissatisfied

    Cr Longmuir said 3 months had elapsed since the new work referred to had been ordered. Why had it not been done at once? The ...

    Article : 123 words
  8. Cr Murray Gives Notice

    Discussing the question of salaries and commissions paid to the shire officers Cr Murray said the engineer reived 5 per cent on Country. Board ...

    Article : 126 words
  9. Repatriation Notes

    Returned Soldiers are invited to apply to this Committee for advice before entertaining business proposals of any kind. ...

    Article : 112 words
  10. Cr Oates Replies to a Critic

    Sir,—In your last week's issue, Mr A. E. Lasslett brazenly says that I am inconsistent! With your permission, Mr Editor, I wish to show ...

    Article : 293 words

    Mr C. W. Wood, of Prank[?]ton, met with a serious accident near Warragul on Monday last, necessitating his removal to Warragul Hospital. Mrs ...

    Article : 80 words



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