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  2. Local and [?]eneral [?]e[?].

    THE Government Gazette of Tuesday last notifies the appointment of returning officers and polling places of the various Electoral Districts. They are—Perth, A. J[?] Hillman, ...

    Article : 175 words
  3. Display Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 576 words
  4. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 727 words
  5. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 41 words
  6. Shipping Intelligence.

    June 2[?].—Mazeppa, 25 tons, Hunt, for Bunbury and Vasse. Passengers—Mrs[?] Newton, Miss Lyons, J. Kelly, H. Lipschitz[?] Master Carey and 3 others. Cargo—2 [?]-tierces tobac[?] ...

    Article : 76 words

    THE following is the Manager's last monthly Report:— During the past four weeks we have raised about 55 tons galena; carted to port 28 tons 2 ...

    Article : 269 words
  8. Country News.

    The remains of a human being have been found at a short distance from the Lakes on the York Road; they are supposed, I believe, to be those o[?] a ticket of leave holder who left here a ...

    Article : 252 words
  9. Perth Gazette & W. A. Times.

    THAT the adoption of the Ballot in the election of Members to the House of Commons will take place, perhaps within another twelve months, or shortly after, ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,498 words
  10. Correspondence.

    SIR[?]—I am one of those who hail with unmingled satisfaction the recent change in the Constitution of our colonial parliament. The time had undoubtedly come for the lumbering ...

    Article : 1,321 words

    In my last I said I should have to allude to abuses which had crept into practice in connexion with the serving of summones by the Newcastle Bailiff; by this I did not mean to ...

    Article : 890 words

    The Calendar of cases for trial at the July sitting of the Criminal Court, is heavier than usual, but with the exception of three native cases there are no ...

    Article : 183 words



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