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  1. Please wait. Loading browse data... loading

    That Caulfield will the ground on Saturday the battle ground on Saturday. That the sport of being of the usual rich and ...

    Article : 592 words
  3. Building Allotments.

    Sydney T. Haynes, in conjunction with W. L. Wright and Co. advertise n sale of magnificent building allotments at Newmarket on McAllister's ...

    Article : 51 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 2,104 words
  5. Grand Bazaar.

    The Elliott and Lady Elliott Lodges, P.L.C., Essendon, Moonee Ponds Cricket Club and Timber Workers Union advertise a grand bazaar to ...

    Article : 66 words
  6. Six O'Clock Closing.

    The poll taken in the sister State of New South Wales on Saturday last as regards the early closing of hotels resulted in a tremendous majority in ...

    Article : 69 words
  7. Meningitis.

    A case of meningitis was discovered on Saturday, at the upstair premises at 36 Puckle street, the victim being Miss Bell. The patient was at once ...

    Article : 75 words
  8. Report of Properties Sold.

    Messrs. Sydney Arnold, Best and Co., auctioneer report the following recent sales of local properties:—Newmarket (in conjunction with Evans ...

    Article : 76 words
  9. Journal of Agriculture.

    We have to acknowledge receipt of the June number of the "Journal of Agriculture," which is printed by the Government Printer. The publication ...

    Article : 83 words
  10. Essendon Horticultural Society.

    The monthly meeting of the Essendon Horticultural Society will be held at the Puckle street Hall, Moonee onds, on Tuesday next, 20th inst., at ...

    Article : 95 words
  11. Moloney Bros.' Auction Sales.

    Moloney Bros. are advertised to sell on Saturday. 17th June, at 3 p.m., on the premises, 666 Mt. Alexander road, Moonee Ponds, a nice W.B. bijou villa, ...

    Article : 204 words

    The monthly meeting will be held at Bulla on Monday next, 19th inst. ...

    Article : 24 words
  13. A.W.A.

    The Essendon A.W.A. is holding a dance, social and pound night to-night. The proceeds are in aid of Hospital Cot Fund. All are ...

    Article : 27 words
  14. Essendon River League.

    The executive of the above were meeting at the Town Hall last night when we were on the press, to discuss the best means of assisting during the ...

    Article : 35 words
  15. Sale of Gifts.

    A sale of gifts to liquidate the debt on the Church Missionary Association will be held in St. James' School, Moonee Ponds, on Saturday afternoon and ...

    Article : 43 words

    Toolambool Hurdle Race.—Sir Prinor Van Homreigh; next best, Becassine. Minook Two-Year-Old.—Parkdale or ...

    Article : 61 words
  17. G. O. L. Marrison Memorial.

    On Sunday morning last the Rev. Canon Hancock dedicated, in St Thomas' Church, a new window to the memory of the late Mr. G. O. L. ...

    Article : 153 words
  18. Licensed Carrier.

    J. H. Hall announces by advertisement that ho has started business as a licensed carrier at 10 Marshall st., Moonee Ponds. Parcels are taken ...

    Article : 40 words
  19. Scottish Concert.

    We would again remind our readers of the monthly concert of the Essendon Scottish Society, to be held at the Masonic Hall, Maribyrnong road, ...

    Article : 46 words

    Gaby Deslys, the illustrious international star, and the sensation of two continents, makes her first and exclusive appearance in motion pictures ...

    Article : 147 words
  21. Costumiere.

    Miss Haydon, costumiere,. etc., notifies by advertisement that she has removed her business from 475 Mr. Alexander road, Moonee Ponds, to Clyde ...

    Article : 50 words

    The second inter-club match arranged by the Essendon Club took place on Monday evening at the Essendon Club rooms, the opposing ...

    Article : 311 words
  23. Successful Pupils.

    Miss Dorice Hawker, L.A.B., A.L.C.M?, was again successful with pupils at examinations held in May in connection with the Musical Society of ...

    Article : 51 words

    This sensational drama, which is described as a story of cannon-ball power, will be screened on Wednesday, 21st inst. For a local production, the ...

    Article : 61 words
  25. Musical Success.

    Musical Society of Victoria, the following students of Miss Greenaway, D.M.S.V., A.L.C.M., have been successful. Preparatory grade piano: ...

    Article : 45 words

    The ever-popular comedian, Charlie Chaplin, is to figure in his very latest film, "A Burlesque on the Opera Carmen," which will be screened at the ...

    Article : 171 words
  27. Sunbury Horse Sale.

    J. K. Jennings and McInnes will hold their next horse sale at the Sunbury Corporation Yards on Monday next, 19th June, when they will offer ...

    Article : 57 words
  28. The Essendon Gazette

    We are not sure that the people of Victoria quite realise that some time during next year the teetotal organisations will make a united and ...

    Article : 1,264 words
  29. Committee Meeting.

    At the monthly meeting of the Essendon Horticultural Society, held on Friday evening, at the Puckle street Hall, Moonee Ponds, there was a good ...

    Article : 112 words



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