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  2. Swan River Mechanics' Institute.

    THE Ninth Anniversary of this Institute was celebrated on Wednesday by a Luncheon, given in the Hall, attended by His Excellency the Governor, and all the notabilities of the ...

    Article : 1,110 words
  3. Original Correspondence.

    SIR,— I am a plain man, as you know: more used to wielding the crook and sheep shears than the pen. Thanks to our excessive taxation—retained in defiance of plighted ...

    Article : 6,575 words
  4. To J. S. Harris, Esq., Resident Magistrate, Messrs. Chidlow, Morgan and other land proprietors and settlers of the Toodyay district—

    GENTLEMEN.—The Address you have so kindly presented to me, on the eve of my departure from amongst you, for a short time, has been received with no ordinary feelings of gratification, as ...

    Article : 253 words
  5. Perth Police Court.

    UNPROVEN CHARGE.—James Reilly, was charged by Sergeant Campbell with having on the night of the 26th alt., made use of most obscene and indecent language in Murray Street. ...

    Article : 903 words
  6. To William Burges, Eaq., J.P., and the Gentlemen who have signed the address—

    GENTLEMEN.—I have received your very, kind address on the occasion of my approaching departure for England with feelings of satisfaction which I find it difficult to express. ...

    Article : 196 words
  7. "Western Australia, Toodyay, Jan. 11, 1860.

    SIR,—The gentlemen whose signatures appear on this document being land propristore and settlers of the Toodyay district, feel they cannot allow you to leave this colony, although but for a short period, ...

    Article : 205 words



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