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  2. Classified Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,390 words
  3. The Markets.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 231 words
  4. Shipping Intelligence.

    Feb. 21st.—Barque Hector, Brooks, from Hobart Town, with commissariat stores. Same day—Pelsart, from Shark's Bay, in ballast Feb. 24th—Barque Will Watch, from London. ...

    Article : 98 words
  5. Domestic [?]avings and Doings.

    The Evergreen returned from her trip to the southern outports, last week, and is now making preparations for proceeding to Melbourne with a party of gold seekers, about the middle of next ...

    Article : 784 words

    BY the Will Watch we have European intelligence to the 14th November. This vessel is chartered by Mr L. Leake and Messrs Gibson, & Co. in conjunction, and ...

    Article : 695 words



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