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    The Foostscray Bench (Mr W. Mitchell J.P. presiding) dealt with a full list of cases on Monday morning. Unlawful Assault. ...

    Article : 174 words

    Supporters of the local team had no cause for anxiety as to Prahan's chances of beating Footscray, Prahran not having won a match. The game was played at ...

    Article : 1,376 words
  4. Debt Cases.

    Orders were given W. H. Birch against the following with costs:—F. Coleman, £8 Leslie G. Hopkins, £12 10; G. H. Dickason, £24 12s James Dickenson, ...

    Article : 85 words
  5. Cycling on the Footpath.

    For riding a bicycle on the footpath in Gamon-street, James Dynan was fined 5s. ...

    Article : 18 words
  6. Anti-Vaccinators.

    Henry James Hoskins and Wm. H. Buckley were each fined 20s for failing to have their children vaccinated. Henry Fawkner Smith was fined 20s ...

    Article : 24 words
  7. THURSDAY, MAY 31.

    Peter Condrick was charged with unlawfully assaulting E. J. Nelson, of Droop-street, night watchman on the road between Punt Hotel and Lynch's Bridge ...

    Article : 206 words
  8. Horse Play.

    Bertie Hewitt was charged with behaving in an insulting manner at the football match between Footscray and Richmond on 12th May. Constable Bunworth stated ...

    Article : 96 words

    The weekly meeting of the X.L. Athletic Club was held on Monday night Mr Lyons occupied the chair. To-day the club will hold a five mile run against ...

    Article : 65 words

    A friendly match was fired off on the Williamstown ranges on Saturday last between the Richmond and Footscray Rifle clubs. The ranges were 500 and 600 ...

    Article : 246 words
  11. A Question of Costs.

    Arthur L. Cotton, letter carrier, was proceeded against by W. H. Birch for the recovery of £6 6s. Defendant stated he was in receipt of £11 10s per month and ...

    Article : 163 words
  12. Straying Cattle.

    Mary Currie was fined 5s per head with 6s 6d costs for allowing 4 heifers to stray on the public road. John Jacobson was similarly fined in respect of 4 heads. ...

    Article : 50 words
  13. Cruelty to Animals.

    Edward Fallon was charged by Constable Fitzgerald with using a horse under circumstances involving cruelty. Mr J. K. O. Smith appeared on behalf of the ...

    Article : 265 words
  14. Truancy Cases.

    Jas. L. Ballenger, of Braybrook, was fined 2s in each case for failing to send his three children to school the required number of days for week ending 7th April. ...

    Article : 113 words

    The Sandown Park Racing Club received a good entry for its meeting which is set down for unravelling to-day. The first race is timed to start at 2.15 and ...

    Article : 101 words
  16. Cows in the Garden.

    John Richmond sued Margaret Hogan for £2 7s 6d damages causes on his premises by defendant's cows. Plaintiff lived in Albert street, Footscray, and on the ...

    Article : 108 words
  17. A Disreputable Case.

    Norah Foley charged Allan Stranger with leaving his child without adequate means of support. Mr A. C. Secomb appeared for the ...

    Article : 677 words
  18. A Wife's Account.

    Hesse Bros., house furnishers, Nicholson-street, sued Robert White for £9 16s 3d, balance due on furniture bought on time payment. Plaintiff stated that Mrs ...

    Article : 209 words
  19. Adelaide Races.

    The Prince of Wales' meeting of the Victoria Racing Club that takes place on Monday next, promises, with fine weather, to be a great success. The course is in splendid great success. The course is in ...

    Article : 93 words
  20. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,411 words
  21. Singular Maintenance Case

    Some time ago Florence Anderson, of Yarraville, secured an order against Bertie McPherson for 7s 6d a week for the support of her child. An appeal in General ...

    Article : 502 words



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