(Before His Honor, Mr. Justice Holroyd. Mr. Casey, sheriff ; Mr. W. S. Garnett, Crown Prosecutor, instructed by Mr. Gordon, of the Crown Law Department; ...
Article : 4,406 wordsA conference of municipal delegates to formulate and recommend a scheme to heir respective councils for inaugurating a union unders the Weights and Measures Act 1890 ...
Article : 1,328 wordsThe annual picnic in connection with the Wombelano State school was held in the school grounds on Thursday last. The weather was favorable to a good day' outing, being nice and cool, only at ...
Article : 904 wordsReports have been received to the effect that a detachment of Japanese troops recently attacked 300 Korean rebels at Hambeung, north east of ...
Article : 69 wordsThe Russians at Port Arthur have recovered 15 torpedoes, red from Japanese warships during the attack on the town, floating in the harbor. ...
Article : 40 wordsThe Supreme Court at Seoul, the capital of Korea, is clearing the gaol or prisoners, some of whom have been [?]for years. Thirteen of ...
Article : 55 wordsGeneral Jitinabi reports that a attachment of Cossacks recently [?] Chun-Chanese at Oadim. ...
Article : 16 wordsReports have reached Neuchwang that the Japanese have crossed the Gatung Pass, about 40 miles from Hai Chang. During the march the troops ...
Article : 227 wordsOn the court resuming, Samuel James Patching, who had pleaded guilty to a charge of arson at Great Western, was brought forward for sentence. Prisoner ...
Article : 284 wordsMr. D. Bunworth, of Mitre Lake, writes:—Your correspondent made an error in reporting the Natimuk Fire Brigade Sports. The horse Exchange, that ran second in she ...
Article : 107 wordsHandicap—Royal 9.6, Tornado 8.9. Hetty 8.7, Fourthley 8.4, Pivot 8.2, Kandy Kola 7.7, Matchmaid 6.10, Heather Bell 6.12, Slow Ton 6.7. ...
Article : 51 wordsThe Nia Chwang correspondents of Telegraph" reports on the the Japanese shelled Port [?] succeeded in dismantling. The Russian casualties ...
Article : 54 wordsMelville Rudland, a young man, was charged with having committed wilful and corrupt perjury at Stawell on February 29th when giving evidence on his own behalf in a case of ...
Article : 233 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 60 wordsThe Hop Trade Association has [?]to favor the imposition of a hops imported into the United Kingdom. ...
Article : 202 wordsHorsham v. Natimuk—Teams representing these clubs will meet on the ground of the former on Saturday, at two o'clock. A match has been arranged to take place ...
Article : 556 wordsAnother of the old pioneers has been removed from our midst in the person of Mr. Wm. James tarter, of Tarrington. The deceased gentleman was the second son ...
Article : 392 wordsThe North Melbourne bench to-day ordered Constable Seddon to pay £2 damages, and £2 2s costs, for pushing aside Thomas Walsh, who demanded ...
Article : 119 wordsSir,—I was very glad to notice in your journal the excellent suggestion for putting the Longernong Agricultural College area to some useful purpose, and I hope that ...
Article : 186 wordsMessrs, Kider, Smith, & Co., Limited, report having sold by auction to-day at the Mount Gamer Instituted, 1090 acres of the Moorakland, averaging £17 10s in acre; also 3,840 ...
Article : 68 words{No abstract available}
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The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), Fri 25 Mar 1904, Page 3
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