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    The White Star liner Suevic, 12,500 tone, which was on her way to London from Australian ports via the Cape, struck on the rooks under the lighthouse at ...

    Article : 184 words
  3. Borough Ratepayers Note

    The Borough Council notifiss by advertise. mea that the first half-yearly sanitary service charge must be paid at the Town Hall by the 31st Marsh. After that interest will be charged ...

    Article : 57 words
  4. The Horsham Times.

    Commissioner McLennan was not only unanimously but most cordially appointed Chairman of the Western Waherworks Trust at Tuesday's meeting, his fellow commissioners ...

    Article : 133 words
  5. Dimboola

    Dr and Mrs Ingham [?] friends by announcing a few days ago that they [?] made arrangements to [?] European trip during which the doctor would ...

    Article : 122 words
  6. St. Patrick's Day Festival

    President—Rev. Father Meade. Chairman of Committees—Mr. H. Green Vice-Presidents—Messrs M. Kelly and J. O'Farrell. Treasurer—Rev. Father Meade. Secretary. Mr G. Tydeman, Stewards, Messrs. ...

    Article : 1,792 words
  7. Druids Lodge

    The Horsham branch of the United Ancient Order of Druids met on Tuesday evening, the A.D., Bro M. Pole, presiding. A letter was received from the Grand Lodge announcing ...

    Article : 90 words
  8. Sporting Items

    As is notified in our advertising columns, nominations for handicap events in connection with the Warrnambool Annual Race Meeting close on Tuesday. April 9th; general entries ...

    Article : 168 words
  9. Horsham's Prize Essayist

    Miss Jean MacInnes, who won the second prize offered by Lady Talbot for essays on "Heroes and Heroism" has returned from her visit to Government House. The young price ...

    Article : 92 words

    The evening entertainment drew such a crowd, that by the time the Horsham Orchestra opened the overture, there was only standing room in the Mechanics' ...

    Article : 609 words
  11. Compressed News

    Limitations of space compels us to cut down cable and telegraphic news and hold over letters and other items. Our Melbourne correspondent wires that Kathleen Bell, of Horsham ...

    Article : 110 words
  12. Another Wreck

    The steamer Jibba, homeward bound from Lagos, on the west coast of Africa, is also reported to be ashore at Salcombe Haven, on the south coast of Davon. ...

    Article : 96 words
  13. Easter Railway Excursions

    The Railway Department announce that Easter holiday excursion tickets will be procurable from Tuesday next till the 1st of April, available for return for one month. In ...

    Article : 78 words
  14. A Closer Settlement Triumph

    A notable transaction occurred at Horsham Sub-Tressury this week, when one of the selectors on the Walmer estate paid the balance of his purchase money, over £1200. ...

    Article : 126 words

    St Patrick's races were held on Monday. Results:— Hurdle Race—H Heath's My Sister 1, J Morris' Lockie 2 ...

    Article : 101 words
  16. A.N.A. Conference

    The annual conference was opened at Hamilson on Tuesday, Mr A. D. Freeman, the retiring president, taking the chair. About 200 delegates were present, ...

    Article : 1,328 words
  17. The Golden Fleece

    For the new wool sales series there are visible 80,439. The last sale of the present series was most spirited, prices being highest of the series. ...

    Article : 41 words
  18. Murtoa Competitions

    The Murtoa musical and elocutionary competitions were formally open on Monday evening by Mr W. Hutchison, M.L.A. for the district. There was a fall house not a ...

    Article : 383 words
  19. Easter Holidays

    The grocers and drapers of Horsham (members of the local Storekeepers Association) announce that their business places will be closed for the Easter holidays on Good Friday, ...

    Article : 54 words

    The St Patrick's Day Race Club meeting on Wednesday, was well attended. In the trot Anderson Hore's Dancer was disqualified. Results:— ...

    Article : 78 words
  21. Important to Hotelkeepers

    Hotel licensees are reminded that owing to the Easter holidays they must pay their assessments to the Compensation Fund by Thursday next, the 28th inst, before three ...

    Article : 61 words
  22. Borough Council Election

    At the request of a number of ratepayers, His Worship the Mayor (Cr Noske) has convened a public meeting at the Mechanics' Hall for Monday night next to give the ...

    Article : 68 words

    The Apsley races were held on Friday last. Results:— Maiden Plate—J McLean's Instep 1, W Blue's No Neign Dhu 2, T Gash's Maritana 3 ...

    Article : 106 words
  24. Unappeased Earth Hunger

    The border territory, which has been thrown open for agricultural occupation, is likely so retain its name of "disputed," for some [?] of applicate are likely to dispute for ...

    Article : 105 words

    The Narracoorts races were held last week. Destine finished second in the Narracoorts RC Handicap, and an enquiry into the running resulted In Destine, her owner (Charles T. ...

    Article : 192 words
  26. The Fruit Fly Pest

    Mr W. Davey and Mr C. French jour., experts of the Agricultural Department, are Continuing their examination this week for the Queensland or Mediterranean fruit fly in the ...

    Article : 91 words
  27. Valedictory at Dooen North.

    One of the most pleasing events of the year occurred at Dooen North on Tuesday 12th inst., when the residents of the district and other friends of Mr Geo. ...

    Article : 658 words
  28. Work at Longerenong College

    It is notified by advertisement that Mr Strong, veterinary surgeon, of the Department f Agriculture, will lecture again at Longere. ton College next Tuesday and Wednesday ...

    Article : 83 words

    Sir,—Whilst many parts of the dis[?] are reeponding nobly to the appeal to ratee £500 so that an [?]qual amount may be claimed from the Government and a ...

    Article : 195 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 206 words
  31. A Mission Church

    The annual synodical meeting of the [?] section of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Australia was held at Murtoa during the past well attended by ...

    Article : 284 words
  32. Obituary.

    From the information given in lat issue of the "Times" by our Goroke correspondent, the friends of Mr and Mrs D. Byre, of Goroke, were made aware of the ...

    Article : 245 words
  33. Guessing Competition

    In connection with St. Patrick's Day celebration, Mr. F. Kelly kindly donated a merino weather to the committee for a guessing competition, and on Wednesday this proved not the ...

    Article : 180 words
  34. An Urgent Appeal

    SIR,—I should like through the columns of your valuable paper to make an appeal on behalf of h very deserving ate. The bread winner of large family has been for six weeks in the Horsham Hospital ...

    Article : 190 words
  35. A Distinguished Company

    The R.M.S. Moolton sailed from Port Melbourne at one o'clock on Tuesday with an exceptional number of prominent Victorians smong the passengers, including Mr Bent, the ...

    Article : 159 words

    The following have been chosen to play for Horsham against the College to-morrow, viz.:—A. Hill. Pitt, McPherson (3). MeCallum, Mahoney, Leslie, Gregson, Talt and Millar. ...

    Article : 193 words
  37. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 2,183 words



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