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  2. [?]hpping Intelligence.

    "From Belfast (Ireland), on Thursday last, whence she sailed the 10th June, the ship [?]andarin, Captain Robert Donal, with 27th Government Emigrants, under the superintendence of Dr. Leah, S geon, ...

    Article : 164 words
  3. Notice to Correspondents.

    We beg to inform Mr. C., who has written us a straight-forward statement, marked " private and confidential," respecting a paragraph " from a corresponden:," which appenred in a late ...

    Article : 73 words

    WE are about again to revert to a subject which has repeatedly been brought —under the consideration of the Government —we mean the treatment to which the ...

    Article : 897 words

    By W. Hebblewhite, at his Rooms, at Eleven o'clock precisely—500 finewooled Sheep. By T. W. Smart, at his Rooms, at 11 ...

    Article : 2,222 words
  6. Original Correspondence.

    SIR, Inveterately opposed as you appear to be to every thing Catholic, I fear there is little chance of a vindicator of Catholic ...

    Article : 1,636 words
  7. Ship News

    The Mary, whaler, Capt. Swindells, arrived yesterday from the whaling grounds, having lost her main and mizenmasts,&c., in a storm, The particulars ...

    Article : 887 words
  8. Supreme Court.

    The Queen v. Terry.—This was an actiou o assumpsit to recover money paid to the late Mr Samuel Terry, for meat furnished for the use of the penal settlements, Norfolk Island and ...

    Article : 3,182 words



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