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  2. Colonial Times.

    The Right Hon. GEORGE CANNING having been created Prime Minister of England, it was supposed he would be elevated to the Peerage. Some of the papers, however, treat ...

    Article : 5,736 words
  3. Supreme Court.

    John Jones, for stealing 1 pair of ancle boots, 1 pair of shoes, &c. the property ofIsrael Hyams, of Hobart Town.— Guilty Spyers Godson, for feloniously forging and ...

    Article : 306 words
  4. To the Editor of the Colonial Times.

    SIR,—It was with the greatest surprise and regret, I beheld a paragraph in your Paper of the 3d instant, stating, that several robberies had been committed during'the, last ...

    Article : 556 words

    The King had taken up his residence at Brighton during the winter. The health of his Majesty, as far as we can learn, appears to be comparatively re-established. ...

    Article : 754 words
  6. Dinner to captain Cooling.

    On Friday last, a number of Gentlemen connected with agricultural and mercantile interests of the County of Cornwall, gave a splendid dinner, at the Launceston Hotel, to ...

    Article : 458 words



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