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  2. The household.

    BLACKBERRY WINE.—Measure your berries and bruise them; to every gallon add one quart of boiling water. Let the mixture stand twenty-four hours, stirring ...

    Article : 395 words
  3. Witchcraft, or What

    Did she magnetize, Psychologize. Or mesmerize me which? Is she human ...

    Article : 104 words
  4. Two Tiger Stories.

    Comedy and tragedy go hand in hand in Hindoo tiger hunts. An amusing example of the former is given by a traveller. A tiger had been ...

    Article : 615 words
  5. Agricultural, & c.

    Apple trees in Michigan (U.S.) have been sprayed with Paris green sad London purple during the past season, and the apples were nearly free of the co[?]lin moth, and more ...

    Article : 431 words
  6. The Great Artist.

    It is not the painter who enjoys the adoration of his fellow beings. Michael Angelo never enjoyed that homage which has been given to other picture makers. "Who then ...

    Article : 953 words
  7. Her Stolen Brains.

    On the 1st September, 1884. Grace Tyrrell finished a story called "My Darling's Hand," which, on the evening of the is, she read aloud to the family circle consisting of her mother ...

    Article : 1,553 words
  8. Judgment of Eyes.

    "What do you consider the most beautiful eyes?" was asked. "Well, they're very scarce," said the old gentleman, letting his eyes wander over the ...

    Article : 470 words
  9. She Saw That Joke.

    The other day an estimable lady from a dead-and-alive little township in Gippsland was induced, after much persuasion, to accompany some friends to a performance at ...

    Article : 163 words
  10. Wit and Humor

    Who are teeth like verbs?—Because they are regular irregular, or defective! The superiority of man to nature is continually illustrated Nature needs an ...

    Article : 874 words
  11. The Shy Man.

    There are certain misfortune which, while inflicting a vast amount of suffering upon their victims, gain for them no sympathy. Losing an umbrella, falling in love, ...

    Article : 511 words

    Hired men are not all rascals. Some of them could give their masters lessons in cleanliness, politeness and respectability. We know men who have worked for wages ...

    Article : 154 words
  13. A Well-Trained Horse.

    Horses can be taught to do almost anything, and there are instances on record where they have been trained to assist in highway robbery. In the year 1750 a Scottish lawyer ...

    Article : 392 words
  14. A Snake Yarn.

    An old farmer, whose wrinkled face and white hair were evidence that he had passed a good many mile posts on the journey to the grave, drove up to a grocery in Sturt Street, ...

    Article : 353 words
  15. How a Life Insurance Agent takes his Game.

    Did you ever see how one of those life insurance fellows approaches a man? They are vastly different from the fire insurance man. There is all the difference in the ...

    Article : 297 words
  16. Smarty and the Auctioneer.

    And it came to pass after the going down of the sun that young Smarty was passing the auction room where a certain man cried out in a loud voice, "Two am I offered; do ...

    Article : 228 words
  17. Pushing on the Good Work.

    Melbourne University Student—"An English scientist has decided that hard drinking is a benefit to the community." Man-About-Town-" How's that?" ...

    Article : 71 words

    MISS JAM wants an easy process for cleaning teeth. Can't say, Miss J.; we always send ours down to the hired girt to be polished; you had better do the same. ...

    Article : 398 words
  19. A Queer Story.

    "About twenty-five years ago a lone farm-house in Essex was broken into one night by four burglars with blackened or masked fa[?] and their shoes undertwisted with hay ...

    Article : 349 words
  20. He Won't Go Again.

    "Been to the female harber's yet?" asked a man of his friend the other day. "The touch, of that gazelle's hand was ...

    Article : 294 words
  21. In the Swim.

    "Hello, Charley! What's up? Never saw you looking so jolly and happy, said a Civil Service dude to a friend the other day." "My girl has just got married." "Got married [?] Why, man, is that ...

    Article : 73 words
  22. An Astronomical Difficulty.

    Two intoxicated and belated individuals were going home the other night, when they happened to come in view of the round, brilliant globe of an electric light that shone ...

    Article : 157 words
  23. Well, Now the Chinese Must Go.

    Speaking of Chinamen, the historical fall in with one of the race the other day directly in front of a shop in [?]street, where there wasn't much to gaze at except the ...

    Article : 122 words



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