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  2. To the Editor of the Colonial Times & Tasmanian.

    SIR,—In your publication of yesterday, I read A letter, signed " A Friend of Popular Education," the second that has appeared on this subject," a review of the " Geography for ...

    Article : 1,959 words
  3. COLONIAL TIMES AND TASMANIAN: The two originals Journals of Van Diemen's Land. CONSOLIDATED.

    THE Council assembled at two o'clock, a few minutes previous to which the usual Guard of Honor formed in front of the entrance to the Custom House. As might ...

    Article : 1,501 words
  4. Domestic Intelligence.

    FLOODS IN THE DERWENT.—On Saturday, the floo's in the Derwent river exceeded anything of the kind in the recollection of the oldest inhabitants the height of the water reaching by some ...

    Article : 1,743 words
  5. To the Editor of the Colonial Times and Tasmanian.

    SIR,—No doubt your readers were highly amused, if not gratified, by the communication of your correspondent " A Friend of Popular Education," who again takes upon himself the ...

    Article : 1,551 words
  6. Original Correspondence. To the Editor of the Colonial Times.

    SIR,—I am quite satisfied with the explanation of Mr. Bonwick's friends. I saw from the first his Geography was written for the Infants' School, and that his announcing it for the ...

    Article : 660 words
  7. To the Editor of the Colonial Times & Tasmanian

    SIR,—The grand secret of Government, from the Prime Minister down to the door-keeper in Downing-street, is discipline. Not more is at all necessary in the command of a ship, a ...

    Article : 560 words
  8. Hobart Town Police Report.

    Yesterday was Saint Monday, as usual, [?] tolerable number on the list, which were [?] posed of by Worship in his usual [?] and expeditious manner, the delinquents being, ...

    Article : 1,320 words



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