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    Isaac Rogers was indicted for stealing, on the 4th instant, two bottles of porter, of the value of 3s., the property of William Little, the landlord of the Cross Keys, in ...

    Article : 1,325 words
  3. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 20 words
  4. Hobart Town Police Report.

    The business of the week commenced with eight or nine Lushingtons, who made rather a respectable appearance; they were fined 5s. each. George Donaldson, an assigned servant, was ...

    Article : 731 words
  5. Domestic Intelligence.

    PUBLIC LABOUR.—In our last number, we referred to the progress of the Committee and the Government, as respects the procurement of labour; we have since learnt, however, ...

    Article : 1,745 words
  6. Original Correspondence. To the Editor of the Colonial Times.

    SIR,—Under the head of Sydney news, in your paper of yesterday's date, I noticed a paragraph eulogising the speedy trip to this island of the barque Orwell. Being a passenger from ...

    Article : 287 words
  7. To the Editor of the Colonial Times.

    SIR,—It was with extreme surprise that I read a paragraph in your last publication, headed the watch-house, and purporting to be a series of extracts from the communication of a ...

    Article : 336 words



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