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  2. SHIP [?] NEWS.

    MAECH 20.—Ariived the barque Nancy, 382 lons, H. Pryce, H. N. commander, from Gravesend 11th July, from Ply mouth 10th August, the Cape 18th November, and from Swan River 3d instant, with the following cargo, consigned to this ...

    Article : 844 words
  3. To the Public.

    In the circulation of our Paper we haoe not canfmed it to the names contained in the list of Subscribers, furnished us by the late Proprietor, but have extended it so as to embrace others that have very recently been sh;iick ojf Mr. Bent's ...

    Article : 193 words

    We have no desire to make our Paper the means of introducing political controversies with any of our contemporaries, nor of needlessly obtruding our own creed upon its ...

    Article : 4,582 words



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