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  2. To the Editor of "The Inquirer."

    "Semper ergo auditor tantum nunquam ne reponam?"—Juvenal. "still must I hear; shall hoarse FitzGerald bawl?"—Byron. ...

    Article : 1,300 words
  3. Local and Domestic Intelligence.

    In the dearth of amusements among us, we hail with satisfaction any attempt to provide an innocent and agreeable recreation for the people. It seems that a late arrival per Eglinton (Mr. Curtis) has ...

    Article : 593 words
  4. To the Editor of the "Inquirer."

    SIR,—Agriculture is a business without which no nation could exist. The earth is the mother of all. Man himself came from the earth. The soil furnishes food to every creeping thing upon the earth. By ...

    Article : 925 words
  5. YORK.—OCT. 11.

    Of late we have enjoyed extremely propitious weather, so much so indeed that we look forward to a good harvest. The crops at the present time look exceedingly well. The Avon has run, and that is all ...

    Article : 503 words
  6. To the Editor of "The Inquirer."

    SIR,—However much "Q in the Corner" may be amused at the commotion occasioned by his letters, I venture to say that he has been more laughed at than admired himself, and although it may appear ...

    Article : 990 words

    SHE is a most noble looking craft, barque rigged, built of iron, at Glasgow, by Messrs. Miller and Ravenhill, of London, where her engines were constructed by the builders, at ...

    Article : 1,352 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,163 words



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