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  2. Correspondence

    SIR,—Although by no means an habitual fault-finder with the Government, I cannot refrain from making a few remarks on some of the proceedings in the late session of the ...

    Article : 930 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,881 words
  4. The Inquirer & Commercial News. Quid verum atque decens, curo et rogo, et omnis in hoc sum WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10,1860.

    It will be seen, by our report of the proceedings in the Legislative Council, that an alteration is contemplated in the system hitherto in force in connection with our ...

    Article : 1,155 words
  5. Local and Domestic Intelligence.

    MR LANDOR'S lecture upon "A Broomstick,' delivered at the Hall of the Mechanic's Institute on Wednesday last, was well attended, and the numerous audience,—among whom was His ...

    Article : 602 words
  6. To the Editor of the Inquirer and Commercial News.

    SIR,—Your report of the recant Wesleyan Tea Meeting, veracious though it be, evidently has provoked the choler, and, I fear, raised the " green-eyed monster" in " Harmonious," and ...

    Article : 548 words
  7. Shipping Intelligence.

    Oct. 1—Ship Tartar, 529 tons, Pearce, master, from London. Passengers—Mrs Barlee, Captain and Mrs Young, Mr Jones. Oct. 5—Cutter Zillah, 21 tons, Wenn, master, ...

    Article : 1,054 words



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