MR A. MARTIN, at ll o'clock, on the premises, opposite Tattersall's Hotel: Household Furniture. ...
Article : 22 wordsThe trial of Garbett for the murder of Conroy was continued to-day. ' The case for the prosecution closed at twenty minutes to 4 o'clock, this afternoon. ...
Article : 1,698 wordsFEBRUARY 4.—Balclutha, A.S.N. Co's ss., 262 tons, Captain Bell, from Maryborough and Rockhampton. Passengers: Mrs Dutton and servant, Misees Dutton (2), Mrs Marshall and ...
Article : 1,657 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 28 wordsThe following additional particulars relntive to the late disastrous gale are from the Bulletine of January 28:- Captain Harry Hirst, of the ss. Tinonoe, re ...
Article : 832 wordsTHE re-arrangement of the mail service between Australia and the mother country, and the substitution of three distinct lines, leaving at different dates, instend of the monthly one [?] Suez, has made it necessary to ...
Article : 118 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 41 wordsWHEN the covert enemies of immigration are anxious to find a pretext for advancing their opinions, it is easy enough to lay hold of one of many sufficient ...
Article : 2,043 wordsThe Rockhamptan Bulletin of the 26th ultimo, gives tho following particulars relative to the loss of this vessel:- The Leiehhardt, ss., which left Rockhampton ...
Article : 1,285 wordsTHE adjourned quarterly meeting of the members of the Brisbane Chamber of Commerce, which was to have been hold yesterday, lapsed through a quorum not being present. ...
Article : 328 wordsMails will be made up and closed at the General Post-office as under:- For New Zealand, por Balcluths, Bs.: For nowspapers and book-packets, at 8.30 a.m.; ...
Article : 70 wordsCAPE MORETON.—Departure: February 4. R.M.S. Flintshire, bound north. ROCKHAMPTON.—Arrival: February 3. Florence Irving, Bs., from Sydney. ...
Article : 22 wordsTHE Customs revenue received at the port of Brisbane to-day amounted to £1227 13s 9d, The Customs duties received yesterday were as follow:- ...
Article : 95 wordsSIR,—I think the code of signals now in use here is capable of. improromeut, and with your permission I would, through your oolumns, offer a few suggestions on the subject. ...
Article : 299 wordsQUEENSLAND.—Allorn, calm, fine; Banana, S, light, fine; Brisbane, S, fine, Caboolture, calm, fine; Camboon, calm, find; Cape Moreton, E, fine, cloudy; Cleveland, SE, light, fine; ...
Article : 159 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), Thu 5 Feb 1874, Page 2
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