ANOTHER scene has taken place in the Supreme Court which bids fair to become a rival of that over which Lord Norbury, of facetious memory, presided with so much distinction in ...
Article : 1,155 wordsAugust 11—the government schooner Eliza, from Launceston and Circular Head. The bark reported off Port Arthur on Sunday morning last, and blown off the coast on Sunday night, ...
Article : 291 wordsAt a late meeting of the Agricultural Society of West Auckland, South Durham, Mr. Deighton, of Winston, said—He would recommend all agricultural men to visit Mr. Harrison, of Stubb House, near West Auckland, ...
Article : 6,015 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 79 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 190 wordsWe have been solicited by the Baron de[?] Thierry to give publicity to the following document, which he calls a "Decree":— In the Name and Behalf of the Aborigines of New [?] ...
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The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette (Tas. : 1839 - 1840), Fri 16 Aug 1839, Page 4
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