THE aborigines of Van Diemen's Land are a full average height, very sinewy and wiry. Stout muscular men occur but rarely; this is in accordance with their habits, in which activity rather than strength is ...
Article : 4,166 wordsHIS HONOR the CHIEF JUSTICE this day called the attention of the counsel engaged in this case to a point of great importance, which had not been raised by either side in the argument on the demurrer in this cause, but which, ...
Article : 2,338 wordsAt the Denbigh Court of Quarter Sessions, which comm[?]d on the 16th, before a full bench of magistrates, the attorneys, who have had, from time immemorial, exclusive practice in the prosecution and defence of prison[?]s, &c., ...
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The Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Sat 7 Mar 1846, Page 4
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