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  2. Select Poetry.

    Three days the flowers of the garden fair Like stars, when the moon is awakened, were, Or the waves of Baiae, ere luminous She floats up through the smoke of Vesuvius ...

    Article : 1,032 words
  3. SCINDE.

    We hear that great things are to be done for Scinde. The Governor-General is not to be satisfied with a barren conquest, but is determined to make it the most productive province of India. With this view, we understand plans an ...

    Article : 308 words
  4. PINANO.

    It is our most painful duty to report a very daring and outrageous attempt which was made on Monday morning last to take the ship Harriet Scott, at sea, by a party of fourteen Malay convicts that had been embarked and sailed on board ...

    Article : 942 words
  5. INDIA.

    CALCUTTA.—By the Waterwitch we have received papers to the 2nd October, but as several numbers of our copy of the Englishmen are missing, we are thereby deprived of the full ...

    Article : 969 words

    Whether the Sensitive Plant, or that Which within its boughs like a spirit sat, its notward form had known decay, now left this change—I cannot say: ...

    Article : 190 words
  7. LETTERS OF MARO.—No. 10.

    FROM all that has been said, it now appears that there are several conditions essential to the production of the vinons fermentation; they may be summed up as follows: 1. Those must he water present, and in such ratio as ...

    Article : 4,939 words



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