By His Excellency SIR JOHN EARDLEY EARDLEY. WILMOT, Baronet, Lieutenant Governor of the Island of Van Diemen's Land and its Dependencies, with the Advice of the Legislative Council ...
Article : 714 wordsTHE Portland bench, in its wisdom, the other day, dismissed a prisoner who had been given into custody, on a charge in which a case of felony was involved, without any public examination, and without ...
Article : 605 wordsAMONGST a tribe living at Tekaha, there was a very pretty-looking Maori girl; her parents were people of rank, and she was betrothed to a young Chief of her own tribe. ...
Article : 1,871 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 55 wordsThe following particulars are from the Journal des Debats:- Yesterday afternoon the Royal Family had made a promenade, after a hunting party, which bad lasted ...
Article : 694 words"The sample of V.D. Land wheat by the Renown has been all sold at an average of 72s per imperial quarter. Our wool market does not present so promising an appearance as it did, we are sorry to say ...
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The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas. : 1835 - 1880), Sat 29 Aug 1846, Page 659
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