The inhabitants of the above township held a meeting at the Wynyard Arms.on Wednesday.14th Dec Judging by the number that attended the energy of the speakers. and ...
Article : 1,314 wordsThe last ray of light that could have illuminated the recesses of those sorrowful regions, which modern investigation has discovered to be darker and ...
Article : 1,070 wordsThe news from Bayonne announces the departure of the Emperor for [?] d Orx, on a visit to Coun [?]M Arman, the celebrated shipbuilder ...
Article : 985 wordsThe Freeman's Journal publishes the following communication on this case in reference to a paragraph which appeared in the the Globe a few days ago:— ...
Article : 350 wordsLetters from Madrid state that the representative of the Emperor of Morocco at Tangiers has asked for the settlement of the question pending ...
Article : 121 wordsThe Paris correspondent of the Star writes on the 26th:— " There is something brewing in the air with regard to Prince Napoleon. The journey ...
Article : 331 wordsThe Austrian Correspondence' contains an article censuring the summary now circulated of the reply of the Duke of Saxe—Coburg Gotha to the note of ...
Article : 129 wordsTHE special correspondent of the Times gives as a sketch of a revival' meeting at Armagh. Cheap trains were run for the occasion from Belfast, but the correspondent did not note ...
Article : 1,129 wordsThe Cape Town Mail of August 20th has the following copy of a letter from Dr Livingstone to Sir Geore Grey, containing a sketch of some important geographical ...
Article : 704 wordsThe Tuscan " Monitore" announces that Chevalier Peruzzi has been recalled from Paris, in order to negociate with various companies for the execution ...
Article : 240 wordsBorne, Oct. 9. After the departure of the Pope a demonstation took place is honour of the Sardinian ambassador and a crowd of visitors, estimated at ...
Article : 70 wordsAt Bologna the municipal elections have terminated in a triumphant success for the Liberal candidates. Letters from Madrid state that the ...
Article : 174 wordsFrom the Advertiser we extract the following account of a severe gale which occurred at Port Elizabeth. SEVERE SOUTH —EAST GALE,—THREE ...
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The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas. : 1835 - 1880), Wed 21 Dec 1859, Page 3
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