IT having been reprsented to the GOVERNOR, that a quantity of Hemp and Flax Yarn has been purloined from the Manufactory at Parramatta, and sold at fifteen shillings a pound, any ...
Article : 175 wordsDuring the last, three days there has been a very violent and heavy gale of wind from S E. E. and N E. accompanied with deluges of rain. It is hoped,the Lady Nelson, which sailed on ...
Article : 312 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 582 wordsBeing favoured with the perusal of several Nos. of the London Gazette, some of which so recent as the latter end of September, we present our Readers with the following ...
Article : 438 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Sun 2 Mar 1806, Page 1
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