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  2. THE BATHURST FREE PRESS And Mining Joining. SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1851.

    Whatever may be the present evils or the future benefits resultant from Mr. Hargraves' discovery, every friend of his race, every lover of the cause of morality and ...

    Article : 1,180 words

    SINCE our last issue the Sydney portion of our arrivals appear to have been seized by a panic. They are rushing from the mines by dozens, and for the present all the ...

    Article : 1,151 words
  4. Country Intelligence.

    These townships are deserted by the male inhabitants who have proceeded en masse to the gold "diggings." What success has hitherto attended their efforts we have as yet had no opportunity of ...

    Article : 759 words
  5. Local Intelligence.

    SUMMER HILL.—There is a report abroad that gold has been found in abundance about Summer Hill, on Mr. Wentworth's land; but we are informed by that gentleman, who has lately been ...

    Article : 1,014 words



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