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  2. POLICE.

    THE MILLING DAMES OF SHEP[?] Ruslt— [?] Eliza Jolly, a ruddy compexioned little dame appeared before the Bench to answer the charge of [?]ult and hattery preferred against her by a female skeleton with ...

    Article : 1,583 words

    This case has made a great s[?]r in the town,and although it almost literally rained pitchforks and cats and dogs, and blew great guns, a considerable concourse of people, avowedly sympathisers with the Rev. Dr Lang, ...

    Article : 803 words
  4. HORSES.

    Messrs [?]urt and Co., report a well supplled market, small lots of country horses have come in day after day, and have been disposed of readily at fair prices. A lot of 18 on Monday, bred by Captain P[?]ke, went from L l8 to L 40, 20 various horses on Tuesday reallzed L 7 to ...

    Article : 314 words

    While the attention of all the colonial world has been Exed upon the important match which was last week so [?]lly chronicled in these columns, a novel but most interring trial of skill, was being conducted in another ...

    Article : 1,689 words
  6. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 3,987 words
  7. No title

    COMPLIMENTARY PIGEON MATCH TO THE Hon. S. A. DONALDSON, M.P. —A number of gentlemen, friends and admirers of the Hon. S A. Donaldson, have got up a pigeon match to come off this (Saturday) forenoon, at the ...

    Article : 926 words

    WHEAT, 6s to 6s 6d per bushol; Flour, fine, 19/ second 17/ per ton; maize, 4s 6d to is 9d; Barley, no sale; Cape Barley, 6s to Os per bushel; Hay, oaten, 6[?], lucerne, [?] per ton; butter 1s 3d, Ch[?]se 8[?] 1s. Bacon and Hams, 10d per lb; Eggs 1s per dozon; Fowls, ...

    Article : 137 words
  9. No title

    EXTENSIVE PURCHASE.—MrThomas Rutledge, late of Carwoola and now on his way for the old country, before leaving Sydney by the mail steamer Oncida, purchused from Mr John Hosking, of Sydney, that splendid ...

    Article : 94 words
  10. No title

    Garland and B[?]gham report that from the inclement state of the weather. little business has been transacted. Our sales comprise 1200 mixed cattle (very prime). ages two years to seven, at 45s taken from the station; 1500 head of well-bread mixed cattle, ages two six years, ...

    Article : 153 words



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