We take from our London namesake and The Times the following reports of the most important sporting events in August and September. ...
Article : 26 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 112 wordsSeveral marriages of favorite actresses, whose professional services we can ill spare in the present state of the stage, although we rejoice at their happy retirement into private life, have taken place within the Inst month,and ...
Article : 787 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,537 wordsOh! what a time for a little hit of sonneting, Such comical manoenvres now are going on the Turf, Those are the times of " Touting" and of" Bonneting," Of" Pulling" and of " Hocussihg" we're sure to get ...
Article : 519 wordsThe contest, between these men' took place on Tuesday On the home circuit, the combatants, although belonging to'Liverpool, having mutually agreed to decide their differences in the London Ring. Neither of the combatants ...
Article : 1,866 wordsGREAT MATCH,IN AMERICA.—A match has been made in New York between John Morrissey and John Heenan (the Benicia Boy) to fight for 2500 dollars, or 500 a side, on the 20th of October. The fight will also decide ...
Article : 96 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 382 wordsThis mill took place on Tuesday, and was one of the gamest little affairs we ever witnessed. Sullivan has long been known amongst the East Enders as Wybrow's Novice, but prior to the making of the present match has never ...
Article : 1,402 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,956 wordsA CHESS PLTING FRAT —On Friday a chess playing feat never before witnessed in England took place at Birmingham. We refer to Mr Morphy's playing eight games blindfold. His opponents were Lord Lyttelton; Mr ...
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Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (NSW : 1845 - 1860), Sat 27 Nov 1858, Page 4
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