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  2. THE CHILDREN'S CORNEE. Court of Entertainers.

    King Highandmighty, whose word is final, and whose sword is sharp. Queen Young-heart, who loves everyone not grown up, and floes exactly as she pleases. ...

    Article : 168 words
  3. The Laureate's Corner.

    Mine [?]racious! mine [?]racious! schust look here and see A Deutcher so habby as habby can pe! Der beoples all dink dat no prains I haf got, ...

    Article : 355 words
  4. New Prize Competitions.

    CLASS A.—Dame Durden offers a prize of 2s for best letter to the post office. CLASS B.—Professor Wideawake offers a prize of 2s for best account of "My Ideal Federal Capital, an[?] ...

    Article : 233 words
  5. RULES.

    1. No competitor must be over 18. 2. In case of more than one competitor being correct, the correct answers will be placed together, and one drawn at random. ...

    Article : 169 words

    To Many: Princess Spinaway begs all who use paper gigantic in width and length to set fire to their store of it, and buy no more. The most convenient size for press purposes is about ten ...

    Article : 90 words
  7. Results of the Prize Competitions.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 572 words
  8. An Adventure with Pick-pockets.

    Mr. O'Brien, in his "Life of Lord Russell of Killowen," tells an excellent story of the late Chief Justice when he was a lawstudent in London without friends. One evening Russell was ...

    Article : 145 words
  9. For the Jester.

    A mother, trying to get her little daughter of 3 years old to sleep one night, said, "Dora, do try and go to sleep." "I am trying," she replied. "But you haven't shut your eyes." "Dey comes ...

    Article : 180 words
  10. At the Breakfast Table.

    A man and his wife were; sitting at breakfast the other day. The husband was trying to read the morning paper, while his wife was lecturing him upon some of his shortcomings. ...

    Article : 292 words
  11. Dame Burden's Post Office.

    Everyone under 18 is invited to write letters here. The best will be published, and perhaps win a prize, and even the worst will be read with interest. "Writers may choose any member of the Court they please to ...

    Article : 2,034 words



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