Mr. NICHOLS to move, That an Address be presented to the Governor-General, praying that His Excellency will be pleased to cause to be placed upon the Supplementary Estimate of Expenditure for the present year, the sum of ...
Article : 879 wordsThis was an application for a rule [?] in arrest of judgment or for a new trial. Mr. BROADHURST and Mr. [?]A[?]VALL appeared on behalf of the defendants, convicted of a ...
Article : 275 wordsAugust 14.—William D[?]nny (s.), 600 tons, Captain Mailler, from Nelson August 6. Passengers — Mrs. Mailler, Mrs. Stephons, Miss Stephens, Mrs. Wardle, Mrs. Cair[?], Master R. Mailler, Messrs. Cair[?]s, ...
Article : 1,079 wordsThese Sessions commenced this day with a calendar of 51 cases for trial. John Ledwidge was in[?]icted for stealing a watch, the property of one John White, of ...
Article : 457 wordsPUBLIC MEETING.—The meeting convened by advertisement in last Saturday's issue to discuss the propriety of collecting a fund by public subscription to be devoted to the relief of the widows ...
Article : 700 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 93 wordsMR. FAUCETT moved for the release of the estate of the insolvent, deceased, from sequestration, on on affidavit that all the claims of creditors had been fully satisfied. ...
Article : 865 wordsThe following answer to the address to Mr. Smith O'Brien, recently adopted at a public meeting in this city, has been received from Adelaide, by the Very Rev. Mr. Therry, chairman ...
Article : 637 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 94 wordsIn the estate of Ewing Pye Colquhonn, a third meeting was held; debts amounting to £674 7s. 2d. were proved. Official Assignee handed in his report, which was read to the meeting. The creditors then directed ...
Article : 157 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 42 wordsMESSRS. BOWDEN AND THRELKELD.—At the City Mart, at 11 o'clock, Books. MESSRS. RICH, LANGLEY, AND BUTCHART.—At their Rooms, at 11 o'clock, Chillian Mills, Saw Piles, Mining Tools, ...
Article : 576 wordsIn common with the generally of our fellow-citizens, we felt not a little started by the discharge of a couple of cannon shot at an early hour of Monday morning. Our first thought was, of the stray Russian cruisers, ...
Article : 374 wordsTHE New Zealand papers received yesterday evening bring us intelligence which we commend to the consideration of the Committee recently appointed by the ...
Article : 816 wordsDRUNK AND DISORDERLY. — Bridget M Cann, and Edward M'Donald, found guilty of being drunk and milking use of obscene language in the public streets, were severally sentenced to pay a ...
Article : 2,397 wordsWe insert the following from a correspondent, without subscribing to all the details of his communications. But we may remark that there can be no doubt that if the large screw steamers had been taken up in the first ...
Article : 1,450 wordsBY recent arrivals we have Adelaide papers to the 4th instant inclusive. Friday, the 28th ultimo, was observed as a day of solemn fast, humiliation, and prayer, on ...
Article : 422 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Tue 15 Aug 1854, Page 4
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