Last evening a memorable dinner took place at the Reform Club. This' entertainment was given to Admiral Sir Charles Napier, to commemorate his appointment ...
Article : 1,302 wordsOne inconvenience from the war is now de. clared to be a scarcity—of tallow, A few more articles go along with tallow, as hides, bristle, and other constituents of brute nature, generally ...
Article : 1,557 wordsLetters from Vienna and Ber in state that the representatives of France and England at each of those capitals are combining their efforts to perfect the concert of Europe against the Czar. ...
Article : 521 wordsWE have received Honolulu papers to the 13th April. The Hawailan Legislature was opened on the 8th April, by his Majesty the King. The royal ...
Article : 1,410 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,947 wordsA meeting, which was numerously attended, was held at Willis's Kooms, St. Jamos's, March 7, for the purpose of considering what stops should be taken for furthering the objects of an ...
Article : 822 wordsThe Spanish brig Dastino, for the coast of Africa, was fitted in this port, and [?]it a few days since, receiving the principal part of her furniture at sea, from small coasting craft. She was ...
Article : 306 wordsBOARD OF TRADE RETURNS.—The official returns from the Board of Trade for the month and twelve months, ended the 5th of January last, again furnish conclusive evidence of the ...
Article : 649 wordsNUMEROUS petitions from various cities and states of the Union have been presented against the Nebraska Bill. The same measure of support continues to be given to it by the pro-slavery ...
Article : 188 wordsBY letters from the south of Hungary we learn that General Coronini, commander-in chief of the Austrian corps of observation on the Servian frontier, has transferred his headquarters from ...
Article : 306 wordsTHE CRYSTAI, PALACE.—Saturday being the last day ou which the public would be admitted before the final opening of the Crystal Palace, the place was visited by a very largo number of ...
Article : 502 wordsDEATH OF THE BISHOP OF SALISBURY.—We have already mentioned the sudden and serious illness of this prelate. A change for the worse occurred on Saturday evening, and from that time he sank ...
Article : 115 wordsLOVE IS Low LOW LIFE.—Before marriage the man is very much struck with the woman, and afterwards the woman is very much struck by the man.—Punch. ...
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Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), Fri 26 May 1854, Page 3
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